What are good hacks and tips for exercise, fitness and working out?
Here are 30 fitness hacks/ tips. I hope you enjoy…
- Eat meals from a smaller plate
- Eat high-density foods
- Replace fatty snacks with a glass of water
- Aim to get to sleep before 11 pm
- Follow a routine
- Have a gym partner
- Go to the gym at peak busy times
- Find ways to work out whilst traveling (I suggest resistance bands)
- Have new foods/ meals that are healthy. There are tons on the internet to try
- Listen to music whilst working out
- If you want to lose fat, try jump rope and/ or HIIT exercises
- Be on your feet more throughout the day and avoid laziness
- Swear (or curse) when in pain to push through the lift (serious scientific fact)
- Model who you want to be (For example, if you want to be lean and muscly, start living like someone who is already lean and muscly)
- Sign up for a sport
- Make fitness a hobby
- Try a fitness app
- If you’re eating unhealthily, track what you eat
- Avoid liquid calories (sugary drinks)
- Try spices/ herbs such as cinnamon and ginger extract
- Avoid canned food
- Replace desserts with fruit
- Drink a lot of water throughout the day
- If you want extreme focus and energy during a workout, do the following: Drink a strong caffeinated drink (coffee, pre-workout, any will do), have a cold shower, then meditate for 10 minutes. I can guarantee a solid workout after this.
- Have a great morning routine that works for you
- Quit bad habits
- Have an end vision/ ultimate fitness goal
- Have a clear headspace - clean your room/ living area
- Always be consistent
- Click Here for a list of fitness products from Amazon with links to the actual product! (home-gym items and supplements). This is useful if you want to work out from home whilst all the gyms are shut but aren’t sure what to get.
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And of course, thank you for reading.
Picture Source Pinterest