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Most Searches on Google During Covid-19How make Hand Sanitizer and Mask at Home?

So in which post today I will tell you how to make hand sanitizer at your home? Today I am going to tell you all a very simple and easy way to make hand sanitizer.

As you all know that today the whole world is grappling with a huge emergency. Whose name is Corona virus, due to this virus, a lot of people have died in the world. It is also spreading very fast in India. Due to which the Government of India has declared a Bharat Bandh till 14 April.

Everyone knows how deadly and deadly this coronavirus is. So far in India, the number of people infected with coronavirus has reached above 1000 and the number of people who died due to this has reached 29.

The Government of India and the WHO are requesting people to please stay in your house, do not go to more crowded places, do not get out of the house, do not join hands with each other or make contact, bar your hand. - Wash with soap frequently Do not touch your eyes or mouth repeatedly with your hands.

To keep things in mind, the Government of India and the WHO organization have told the people of the world that this is the only way that we can avoid this epidemic coronavirus.

Till now no cure has been made in the world. Only the afflicted people are kept in isolation, that person's immunity (repulsive) power is good only then that person has been well.

In such a situation, the Government of India and we will also request you that all of you stay in your home, you have to work very important but get out of the house and keep your hands repeatedly with soap and be as alert as possible to yourself Keep up

As if you know how fast this virus spreads, something has been touched by the person infected with the virus and if you touch that thing, then it can get infected in you too. It is said that you have been asked to wash your hands frequently.

But some places are also such that if we go out somewhere, we touch many things. As we boarded the bus, we keep our hands on the bus seat, the handle of the bus, and in many places. At that time, we do not have soap and water available to keep our hands clean. So at that time you can use HAND SANITIZER so that you can keep your hands clean


The HAND SANITIZER is a type of liquid substance that we use to eliminate the virus on our hands or to clean our hands. In many places it happens that we do not have soap and water available to clean our hands, in such a situation, we can clean our hands using HAND SANITIZER.

Even in the event of this emergency, some people are taking advantage of this situation. You must have seen how expensive HAND SANITIZER is selling due to this sudden rigging. At some places, they are not getting it soon.

So today I have brought a very useful post for you. In which I am going to tell you today how you can make HAND SANITIZER at your home? This HAND SANITIZER will be made as per the norms of WHO organization


Institution criteria HAND SANITIZER contains a substance called 'rubbing alcohol'. Due to which the virus present in our hand dies and our hand gets clean but WHO institution has stated that at least 66% alcohol is required in HAND SANITIZER.

If the HAND SANITIZER does not contain 66% alcohol, then the HAND SANITIZER will not be able to completely eradicate the germ on the hand, or you can only eliminate the coronavirus virus in our hand only if there is 66% alcohol or more alcohol. it happens.

Materials for making HAND SANITIZER ?

1) Rubbing alcohol

What is rubbing alcohol? Let us tell you that if you have ever gone to the doctor and you have been injected by the doctor, then you must have seen that the doctor comes in by putting a liquid in his cotton and the place where the injection is to be done.

Clears from It is called "rubbing alcohol". It is usually of blue color. You will get this at any medical store. But while buying this, you must keep in mind that it should be 90% alcohol, it should be taken care of while buying it.

2) Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel acts like a dropper in your HAND SANITIZER. The alcohol present in your HAND SANITIZER flies into the air very quickly. Aloe vera gel is used to make it not fly quickly in the air. You can also use Aloe vera water present in your house or you can also use other Aloe Vera gel available in the market.

3) lavender oil or lemon juice

This is an option for you, you can use lavender oil or any other fragrant oil or lemon juice in it. It is used to reduce the odor of alcohol, so that alcohol does not smell and if you use any fragrant oil, then due to the same oil, it will also give fragrance to your hand after applying it to you.

How to prepare HAND SANITIZER ?

HAND SANITIZER is as easy to use as it is easy to make. Let me tell you how you can make HAND SANITIZER at home very easy and simple way.

  • 1) First of all, take rubbing alcohol in a clean bowl. According to the amount of HAND SANITIZER you have to make.
  • 2) After this you have to add aloe vera gel to that alcohol.
  • 3) But remember that you should keep the ratio of rubbing alcohol and aloe vera to 2: 1 ratio while making HAND SANITIZER.
  • 4) Now after this you add lavender oil or any other fragrant oil according to your taste, if you want, mix it well by adding lemon juice. Add it until the alcohol and aloe vera gel combine well into each other. When it will mix well.
  • 5) Take it out in a small and clean box. Which you can take with you on the go wherever you come, and you can use this hand sanitizer made at home.
Image source Google
Thanks for Reading

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