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How is "favouritism" different from "nepotism"?

Let’s say a politician practices nepotism. He would put his children, maybe his children-in-law, in high positions in the government. Donald Trump giving certain positions to Junior, Ivanka, Jared Kushner and Eric? Nepotism. Him not giving any position or apparent attention to his daughter Tiffany? That would be favouritism.

You see, the same thing in plenty of other clans and political dynasties — there are favored children, and less-favored ones. And nepotism could also include non-relatives, for instance, a childhood best friend, a college buddy, anyone really. Whereas favouritism usually involves children.

Neither nepotism nor favouritism are new, by the way — the Bible is absolutely rife with ‘chosen people’, ‘chosen children’, beloved firstborns and kids who are ‘lesser’ because their mother was a slave instead of a legal wife. It’s an intensely human flaw.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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