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How does non-vegetarian food worsen anxiety issues?

Many times in our life we must felt a feeling of nervousness before we are going to start something new in our life or if we are going to give a public speech or any other kind of event which makes us a centre of attraction in between public for the very first time in our life. When we are nervous, we would have felt the urge to go to the restroom to urinate or to pass out stool, though the bladder would not be full enough that we should feel the urge to excrete out waste from within the body, but still we would have a feeling of going to the restroom. Nervousness happens due to fear, which is a negative emotion, whatever kind of emotions arise from within the mind, it will surely excrete out chemicals from within the brain and the body, so if a person feels the urge to go to the restroom due to nervousness, which is creation of fear, its due to the chemical release from within the brain and the body due to the creation of fear within the mind.

Kindly pay attention to the above picture, the animal in the picture has reached the peak of fear within itself right before it's actually slaughtered.

For every living being, death is an inevitable truth which it fears, specifically if the death is unnatural. When an animal is brought to a slaughter house to be slaughtered, he would sense danger to his life way before he is brought to the slaughter house to be killed, as his senses are very sharp when compared to humans. When he feels the danger to his life, its but natural that fear will arise from within his mind too, which in-turn will have a chemical reaction within the brain and the body. This chemical reaction will reach its peak right before it's slaughtered because the fear within the animal will cross all its limits, as the animal is seeing its own unnatural death right before his own eyes. After the animal is slaughtered, the chemical reaction is still intact within the body of the animal because it was the last chemical which was released from within the brain and the body due to fear. When a human eats that animal, that same chemical will enter into his body which was a creation of fear within the animal and will in-turn increase this particular negative emotion (Fear) within the human being. As it's the law of karma that what goes around, comes around and what comes around, goes around, negative emotion within that animal got converted into a chemical reaction and later on this same chemical reaction got converted into the same negative emotion within that human being who ate that animal.

It's due to the fear of the future tense, Anxiety does happen, fear is the main culprit behind Anxiety. Depression is connected to the past tense where the memory resides and Anxiety is connected to the future tense and it's the past tense which recreates itself as the future tense, so in short, Anxiety is a recreation of Depression. There are lots of cause and effects of Anxiety and Depression, like Attachment or External Love known as Moh in Sanskrit, Greed, Loneliness, Laziness, Memory Loss due to Over Thinking which is a result of unstable mind, Fear etc. All these explanations were given in two different sessions in Hindi & English Languages which were conducted by Samaadh Meditation few weeks ago, these sessions were video recorded too. In these sessions, first stage meditation technique was thought in the end of both the sessions, which concentrates on non visualisation or non imagination, negative imaginations are mainly an effect of vision memory and negative emotions which causes and increases Depression and Anxiety related issues, so this particular technique of non imagination helps a lot to get rid of negative imaginations.

Samaadh Meditation is a Donation based Meditation Centre and not a Demand Based Meditation Centre ie. there is no fixed fees which is demanded from the participants to join any kind of courses or sessions which we provide, though the approximate values of the courses & sessions are mentioned in the website. This method has been implicated mainly for middle class and lower middle participants who cannot afford a fixed amount, so the participants who join the courses, donate according to their maximum affordability. Samaadh Meditation is going to start a new Meditation Course in Hindi and English Languages, this course concentrates a lot on Depression and Anxiety issues in the starting sessions of the course, as well as in the later sessions, it concentrates on Spiritual progression. To get the video recording of any of the two sessions conducted in Hindi & English Languages dedicated to Depression and Anxiety issues and to enroll for the Meditation Course or to know more further details of the course, kindly click the LINK given below. (Their is limited amount of space for the participants who would like to join the course, so kindly enroll immediately to reserve your spot)

Picture Source Wikipedia

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