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Have you ever gained respect for a celebrity immediately because of one thing they said?

At first, I didn’t like Billie Eilish. Her music wasn’t my forte, I thought her style was weird, and my mind brain thought she talked weird. I admit to not liking her when she got famous. Since then, my respect for Billie is something I don’t know how to explain.

My dad was the first one to get me to start listening to her music. Yes, my forty-year-old father loves her song “You should see me in a crown”. Every time we would go somewhere, he would play it. After a couple of times, I actually listened to it and realized it wasn’t that bad. In fact, and dare I say, I liked it.

When we got home, I listened to almost every song she had produced at the time. The only one I think I don’t like is “Bad guy” and that’s because I’ve heard it way too many times. Way. Too. Many.

Billie’s fashion sense is often criticized because she doesn’t wear clothes that show off every inch of her body. In fact, it’s kind of the opposite. Her style is bigger and loose clothing. In the beginning, I thought she did it to be edgy and get attention. When I finally realized why she wears what she does, I felt horrible. I did exactly what she called everyone out for.

Billie played this video at one of her concerts and the crowd went wild. It’s the first time she showed that much of herself, and people were proud of her. Not in the bad way, but that she finally felt confident enough to do it.

This is what gained my respect, when she called everyone for shaming her.

Her voice has this kind of drawl to it. I hate it, but I used to think she had a speech impediment. Turns out, it’s just the way she talks. It’s the same thing as hating someone for having a country accent.

I’ve noticed Billie is actually pretty down-to-earth. Sure, she wears designer brands, but what did you expect from someone who went from having nothing to everything? She’s stated that she’s doesn’t care if you like her or not, which is actually a pretty good mindset for a celebrity. Negativity won’t affect you as much if you don’t care.

Billie’s songs are different from the average and traditional. I’m not saying I’m her number one fan or anything, but there is nothing in me that doesn’t respect her.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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