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Element of the periodic table looks almost unnatural


Typically, bismuth looks like this:

(It kinda looks like a big piece of meat wrapped in foil, right?)

But under certain conditions, it looks like this:

What an incredibly sensational thing, right?

A perfect crystalline structure.

It is worth mentioning that bismuth is toxic and should not be handled frequently.

There are several other curiosities about bismuth:

  • Bismuth 209 (the most common isotope) is radioactive, but it has one of the longest half-lives ever calculated: 1.9 x 10¹⁹ years, or approximately one billion times the age of the Universe. Pretty impressive, right?
  • Bismuth is the strongest natural diamagnetic element in existence. Diamagnetic materials, when exposed to magnetic fields, are repelled rather than attracted. That is: when placed on a sufficiently strong magnet, the bismuth levitates.
  • Bismuth is relatively non-toxic for a heavy metal. Its periodic table neighbors, namely, polonium, antimony and lead are super toxic, but bismuth is okay (not to be confused with totally safe). Bismuth is even being studied to replace lead in some specific materials.
  • Most people have ingested some amount of bismuth during their lives. One of the ingredients of Pepto-Bismol is bismuth subsalicylate. For those who do not know, it is an antacid medication to treat temporary disorders and discomfort of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, such as heartburn and nausea.

Thanks for reading! 

Picture Source Wikipedia

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