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Donald Trump benefit from the Capitol riot in any way

Donald Trump benifit from the Capitol riot in any way.

I noticed that during his fateful Washington rally, a YouTube channel was monetizing the relay very actively. I wonder did the people realise that the money was not going to him, but to the channel?

These people have been gouged pitilessly, and with the blessing of Trump himself as he pardoned Bannon for his “management” of the funds for the building the wall appeal. 👆⌚

I think Trump’s incitement of the Capitol riot has backfired on him in a YUGE way …

Trump’s favorability rating has dropped to the 29%-33% range according to recent polls. So the vast majority of Americans see just what a terrible person and president Trump is.

Trump’s own party has turned on him. It now seems possible that Republican senators who had Trump’s back for his entire presidency may vote to convict him in the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

In addition to all the other charges he is likely to face, now that he is no longer shielded by the presidency, Trump may now face criminal and civil suits for the deaths and mayhem he incited.

Trump has also become a pariah to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, where he has been banned or otherwise silenced.

Trump has also lost the PGA Championship, one of golf’s four major events. That is a tremendous blow to the golf-loving Trump. He has also lost many other business partnerships and future opportunities, since no one wants to be associated with a seditionist and traitor.

Did Trump benefit in any way? Well, he may be even more of a hero to his misguided militia men, but they represent a small minority of American who prefer a civil war to a peaceful transfer of power. By appealing to the ultra-right radicals, Trump has alienated the vast majority of Americans.

UPDATE: A few days after I wrote the last paragraph above, the Proud Boys called Trump a coward, a weakling, a traitor and a shill through one of their outlets. Meanwhile, QAnon-ers are questioning whether they were misled by frauds and false prophets (or, perhaps, false profits?). So Trump may be losing support even among his most fervent former believers. Some of them wanted a bloody revolution and didn’t get it, so now they are bitterly disappointed with Trump. Meanwhile the vast majority of Americans who don’t want a bloody revolution have written Trump off as a danger to our country’s stability and democratic traditions. How many supporters will Don the Con have left, when the smoke clears? Hopefully, he will be a greatly weakened political figure, with far less ability to do harm.

Picture Source Google

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