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Do you believe that Biden won the election honestly?

I decided to take a look at this question and was shocked to find that 90% of those who answered and there is like 100 answers, still say somehow Biden cheated or did not win the election. 

It is straight out of Hilter/Goebbels playbook of propaganda.

MITCH MCCONNELL SAID THAT. Not really very close, Biden won, won decisively and 90% of the answers just make stuff up and say he didn’t.

This is clearly the problem in the USA right now. There were a lot of ‘normal’ people who were caught up in the assault on the US capitol and insurrection. There were also a lot of bad people out to kill Pence and Pelosi and others.

But it is pretty obvious that maybe 70% of Republicans will not accept the obvious, proven election results.

Of course you can make excuses for them, but everyone has to make their own decisions and grow up or not.

Do you think Democrats liked it that Trump won, but even before HRC conceded the morning after the election, we knew it was over. That is how things are in a democracy, you count the votes and you know if you won or lost.

This lunacy of questioning Biden’s victory has got to stop or we will tear our country apart for what, for Donald Trump? Are you kidding me?

I am not going to say anything bad about Trump or my feelings which do not matter.

What matters is, he decisively was beaten. He was beaten because he did a lousy job as president, he was terrible on the pandemic which has cost almost 400,000 lives and I am tired of people on the right saying well they might not all have been covid or they had pre existing conditions or whatever craziness. THEY DIED AND COVID WAS THE CAUSE THAT PUSHED THEM OVER THE EDGE BUT THEY DIED AND THEY WOULD NOT HAVE DIED WITHOUT COVID.

If you think differently then you can blame Trump and republicans for lousy health care for the past 40 years but they died.

Trump lost because of his job performance, will you all get that in your head and 82 million people were absolutely determined to vote.

Sure 74 million voted for Trump but so many were ‘inspired’, ‘terrified’ ‘petrified’ whatever you want to say, THEY WERE TIRED OF TRUMP SO TIRED THEY VOTED EARLY, THEY WENT TO GREAT PAINS TO DO IT AND THEY BEAT TRUMP.

And he couldn’t stand it and you all couldn’t stand it and you want to end our democracy because of it and now we have to deploy 25,000 national guard just to protect our capitol because so many think if you lose, you just take your AR15’s out and go shoot your way to glory. 

Not gonna happen.

I sincerely suggest you get off it and rejoin America as it is about to get healed and take off.

Or you can get left behind and complain and moan and frankly you will be a problem for all of us. I don’t care about your self pity, I care about the country and we need everyone including all of you.

Picture Source Google

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