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Didn't Kayleigh McEnany look completely different during her latest press briefing addressing the Capitol Siege?

The difference is stark, some of which may have to do with not having her hair/makeup team anymore. But to me, the image on the right looks like the face of a woman holding it together in between crying jags. She was only at the podium for two minutes, and ran off after that.

After all, in addition to shock about the riots and insurrection, it could be that she had just learned that all her job prospects have evaporated, she is terrified that she is unemployable as a flack in the future, and that her hard earned Harvard law degree has been wasted.

Turns out, she REALLY IS unemployable as a flack in the future:

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My guess is there is also no return to the cable pundit job she had before becoming Press Secretary. Her big draw there was as an unflappable defender of Trump. That dog won’t hunt anymore.

Maybe she can get some gig work doing infomercials for MyPillow. You know, to supplement her Uber driver income.

She claims she’s a devout Christian. I’m hoping the words reflection, humility, repentance, and atonement are on her mind a lot these days.

Picture Source Wikipedia

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