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Can a person infected with covid-19 be vaccinated

Can a person infected with covid-19 be vaccinated 

Very unsafe for the vast majority of people on the planet. Rote learning parrots and nerds who start repeat passages from medical research about how mRNA vaccines work, restrict yourselves. All others, familiarize yourselves with the term “useless knowledge”. That is knowledge which has no practical importance to you, and you have no reason to know it, because practically it doesn’t offer you anything. It only wastes your time and effort to read it.

And that is the type of knowledge a big number of medical researchers have been spreading on social media in the last few days. At least one American and one Cypriot were ranting about the history of mRNA vaccines, basically posting useless knowledge. The real reason they do it is to provide a false sense of security about mRNA medicines, and often by misrepresenting terms of the research eg “30 years of research”.

Since October 2020, there were 321 vaccines produced by over 40 companies around the world. Each of the vaccines is produced by one of 9 different technology platforms. But wait, there is more. Each of the technology platforms is done using a different method. mRNA is only ONE of the technology platforms they use, and each company does it differently. It isn’t only useless knowledge, but too much of it. Who gives a f*ck to know all of this, and why would they need to know it? Only the nerds love to read all of this and preach it to others because they think they look smart. And they would happily go out on social media preaching it every day, and for each new vaccine and vaccination method. What they look to me is that they are out of touch with other people, and what they are doing is “medical spamming”.

Those very intricate details of drug design are only of interest to nerds. Nerds spend all their time in labs reading books, and lose touch with the rest of the world, They think that everyone enjoys to read out information about how mRNA vaccines work, and show them percentages and diagrams from studies.

What use does that knowledge have for me? Those people think I am some sort of medical encyclopedia. I don’t give a f*ck and I don’t need to know this. It is their knowledge, and it is their job to use it and develop the best drugs they can. If they want to convince someone that they are good scientists, they can try that to the government, or to other scientists. I neither need it, nor want it.

What matters for each individual doing the vaccine is their own RISK as individuals.

Some have the false impression that chance is the same as risk.

Risk is calculated as

Risk = (probability of something happening) * (impact, or loss from that)

Second, each individual first considers the risks to themselves from the vaccines, from their own perspective.

Impact and losses from any injury from vaccines or vaccinations include:

  • Physical pain
  • Psychic pain
  • Medical expenses for diagnoses and treatments
  • Loss of income due to inability to work
  • Negative professional consequences
  • Long term negative consequences in social and everyday life

All the above come from a science called RISK MANAGEMENT, which those nerds have never heard of before in their life, because all researchers and medical researchers and doctors always have they are covered. They have legal coverage, the drug design companies signed a contract where they can’t be sued by citizens, and they will be paid full price of whatever agreed, whatever the consequences. Generally, doctors are the same: they make enough money to have legal coverage, they get priority in medical exams and operations, and they make enough money to be able to face any risks from medical procedures in general.

The risks for myself are all I ever wanted to know about these vaccines, and moreover, how those risks would be mitigated. All the stories about “science making a new discovery blah blah blah” is none of my interest, and I couldn’t give less of a f*ck. I can read encyclopedic stuff online if and whenever I want to, if I have a use for it.

Do you remember the film “Along came Polly” with Jennifer Anniston, and Ben Stiller, and the tool Ben stiller used called “Risk master”? That is the kind of info I want to know. However, that is not the information that nerds are presenting on social media.

The way medical scientists present mRNA vaccines on social media, is as if they think each citizen is like “Polly” on the “non-plan plan”, who just wants to enjoy their emotions, and doesn’t plan anything in their life. I am not like that, and don’t accept being misrepresented like that.

Scientists can put whatever they want in the syringes, and don’t have to tell me anything about the vaccines, as long as I can sue them and get compensation if they mess it up and cause me any issues. The risk of messing it up is theirs, not mine.

My post had a lot of responses. Thank you for the comments!

  • Read more about risk management & risk mitigation, and how Tim Ferris faced his fears by applying these methods: Steve Wits's post in COVID Pharmacovigilance
  • Follow my space COVID Pharmacovigilance so you can find out about news, risks, adverse effects, fails, safety, standards, ethics and more regarding COVID-19 vaccinations, to help you find ways to prevent or mitigate those risks.

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Picture Source Wikipedia

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