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Are there any Democrats that like President George W. Bush, even though they disagreed with most of his politics?

Sure. Michelle Obama may have voted for Trump, but based on who her husband is, I think it’s safe to say she’s a Democrat.

(I hope everyone knows I was pulling their leg when I said she voted for Trump!)

The Bushes have a good relationship with both the Clintons and the Obamas. It’s very possible for people to have political differences and still get along well on a personal level. There are several very liberal/progressive Quorans who have gotten to know me and get along well with me, even though we disagree on some matters.

People who hate others based on political differences are a big part of what is wrong with the country now. Why is it so hard to understand that someone else might want to make the country better as much as you do, and simply not agree on the best way to accomplish that?

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