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Worriors vs Nets NBA

Worriors vs Nets

Kevin Durant must’ve enjoy the constant attention from the media and the fans. After finally winning a couple of titles with the warriors. Perhaps he just want to enjoy a new scenery, a new challenge, new conference and huge paycheck. But with all of that said he didn’t want to move away that possibilities of getting another title with someone else. So instead of just going somewhere with money and new environment. He choose the Nets with Irving his good friend.

Naah I’m just kidding, Durant was just fed up of how Green treated him. So like Green said Durant got his one foot in and the other out. It was the narrative the media had been creating all along and Green himself was also caught up with it. So Green kinda push the consused Durant and lastly their lost against the Raptors was his finally ticket out.

Image source Google
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