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Why is Brie Larson such a controversial figure? Why do some despise her yet some love her?

Brie Larson is a controversial figure to some people because she said she wasn’t interested in what white 40-year-old male film critics had to say about A Wrinkle In Time during an acceptance speech for an award. If a woman says she’s not interested in what white males have to say, it causes a subset of them to lose their shit.

She then said, “Am I saying I hate white dudes? No, I am not. What I am saying is if you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have a chance to see your movie, and review your movie.” She cited statistics showing a large majority of film reviews are written by white males. Days later she clarified her comment by saying, “What I’m looking for is to bring more seats up to the table. No one is getting their chair taken away. There’s not less seats at the table, there’s just more seats at the table.” But the damage was done.

After that, she couldn’t catch a break. A body language expert put up a video criticizing her appearance during a press tour for Avengers: Endgame by pointing out she appeared “stiff” and was seemingly trying to “dominate” the men present (Don Cheadle and Chris Hemsworth) by the manner in which she was sitting during the interview. Cheadle was asked about it later and said she’d decided to sit more upright to keep her ponytail straight because her stylist kept running in to fix it.

Another criticism that’s been leveled at her since her comment about “40-year-old- white dudes” is that she’s cold during interviews and when she’s in public. She’s admitted to being somewhat reserved during interviews, but otherwise I don’t see a great deal of evidence for this. I keep finding evidence she’s… really nice.

She put on a Captain Marvel velour jumpsuit and showed up at a movie theater showing the film to work at the concessions stand and goof around with fans:

She’s been very gracious and friendly to fans at appearances like red carpets:

But the die has been cast. To a certain group of people, she will forever be the cold, standoffish bitch who said she didn’t care about their opinion.

Image source Google

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