People hate him for many different reasons. Take my father, for instance. He’s a former soldier. He never served in the US army, as he’s not American. But he served in the military of an allied nation and has tremendous respect for veterans. He respects John McCain, for instance, if only for the ordeal he survived as a prisoner of war.
Shot down by the Vietnamese, McCain had all his bones broken. Was starved, tortured and half-beaten to death during his long years in captivity. When offered to go home early, being an admiral’s son, he refused, insisting on staying with his fellow soldiers at all costs, even if it cost him his life…
Was my father a fan of McCain, as a politician? Not quite — he didn’t think of him as some extraordinary maverick, some marvelously clever statesman. In his foreign policy the man was a hawk and a warmonger. But damn the guy had some balls on him. In his way, in his service, yes he qualifies as a hero. But not to Trump.
Trump, a man who never served a day in the military. Never threw a punch in his life unless it was at a smaller kid in school. Who was medically disqualified from serving because of ‘bonespurs’. As James Mattis beautifully put it: “I earned my spurs on the battlefield… the President earned his in a letter from his doctor”.
A lot of people dislike Donald J. Trump. Each of them have their own reasons for disliking him. I have my own reasons, both for liking- and disliking him. But my father hates Trump above all for his complete and utter disrespect when dealing with actual war veterans. Real men, with balls the size of watermelons. No guts, no glory. And to such men, Trump is gutless as he is brave only on Twitter.
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