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Who's a talented actress that's oversexualized in the movies/series she's in, not allowing her to show how talented she actually is?

I grew up in the world of Harry Potter. Due to Quarantine, I decided to revisit memory lane over the summer, and I dove into Harry Potter fan pages and headcannons.

For the most part, I really enjoyed what I read about, but I never enjoyed the sexualization of actor Emma Watson.

Emma Watson is undoubtedly gorgeous, but it doesn’t sit well with me that she has been completely sexualized by the media and Hollywood industry.

I get that it helps the industry’s world go ‘round, but that doesn’t make it right.

Hell, she’s Hermione from the Harry Potter series! She’s Belle from Beauty and the Beast! She’s Meg March in Little Women!

I completely understand having a celebrity crush on her. Heck, if I were gay, I’d simp for her too.

But the fetishization of actors who don’t have any business being overly sexualized is disappointing.

Image source Google

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