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Who was the number one black sheep of the Stark family?

Sansa. Jon feels like a black sheep because he’s a bastard, but really he’s not. He behaves like a Stark, looks like a Stark, has much in common with his family, and has a great relationship with Robb, Arya, Bran and Rickon.

Sansa on the other hand, had always been interested by and behaved like a Southern Lady. She believed in the singers tales, chivalry, knights in shining armor, Lords and Ladies, and romance. She learned her courtesies and was thrilled to be able to go South. She loved her family, and they loved her, but she always just a bit different.

All this of course was changed after her world came crashing down when Ned died. She no longer believed in, or wanted, the princess in a castle dream. However, she still was even then, different than the rest of her family in mannerisms and personality.

She’s actually the most politically adept at 11 years old than most of her family, which sets her apart. Her ability to survive by adaptability is also fairly unique in her family.

She’s a Stark through and through, but her own special brand of Stark.

Image source Twitter
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