Tilda Swinton.
All respect to Meryl Streep and Cate Blanchett (and Charlize Theron, who always makes interesting choices), but I am firmly in the Swinton camp.
Raddled club owner Muriel Belcher in Love is the Devil:
Kooky country singer Cissie Crouch in Your Cheatin’ Heart:
Femme fatale Lena in Caravaggio:
Bonkers socialite Ottoline Morrell in Wittgenstein:
Bonkers cult leader Sal in The Beach:
Angel Gabriel in Constantine:
The White Witch in Chronicles of Narnia:
Inept and murderous corporate scumbag Karen Crowder in Michael Clayton:
F***ed-up alcoholic Julia in Julia:
Harried mother Eva in We Need To Talk About Kevin:
Weird spokesperson Mason in Snowpiercer:
Crazy old Madame Celine in The Grand Budapest Hotel:
Bastard editor Dianna in Trainwreck:
Ancient One in Doctor Strange:
Orlando in Orlando, first as a bloke:
—then as a woman:
Two characters in Suspiria:
No, I don’t have a lifelong crush.
Edit: Gosh, well, who knew there were so many Tilda Swinton fans out there that this answer has effectively crushed its co-answers?
For the people suggesting other films she was in: thank you, but I chose these ones because she has sometimes had a tendency to play androgynous other-worldly characters—that’s as close as she has to a default setting—we really don’t need any more examples of her doing that.
Trivia fact: most people haven’t seen Your Cheatin’ Heart because it was a 1990 BBC TV series and not, in truth, a very good one. It was written by the Scottish dramatist and artist John Byrne, who was attempting to build on the success of his earlier series Tutti Frutti, which had starred Robbie Coltrane and Emma Thompson and which had brilliantly combined comedy and darkness. Your Cheatin’ Heart tried to be funny but was just very, very dark, and Swinton in the central role of Cissie scowled her way through it; the part probably needed someone that the audience liked, and Swinton does not naturally project likeability. However, Swinton and Byrne became a couple and had two kids, so clearly there were no hard feelings.
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