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Halle Berry
It’s fair to say that Halle Berry is kind of a big deal, and because of this, she also has a big net worth. You would have thought that someone with so much cash in the bank would splash their money whenever they got the chance, but Halle just isn’t like that.
Instead, she has grown to be incredibly thankful for her fortune and worries that one day she will lose it all. Because of all, she lives like a poor person and even takes public transport.
Hilary Swank
Everyone knows who Hilary Swank is, but it seems as though they don’t know everything about her. While many people believe that this woman earns and spends a huge amount of money every single day, only the first part of that is true.
While she may earn a hefty fortune, Hilary prefers to save it away and avoid spending it at all costs. That’s because she knows just how quickly the business can change, and she doesn’t want to find herself in a sticky situation. In fact, she’s a huge fan of couponing!
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