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Which celebrity is famous just for his/her look?

See Her…look👍

Steve McCurry’s world-famous photograph of a girl with the most piercing green eyes I have ever seen, and that he aptly named ‘Afghan Girl’.

From the Wiki page dedicated to this photograph…

Afghan Girl is a 1984 photographic portrait of Sharbat Gula (Pashto: شربت ګله‎) (pronounced [ˈʃaɾbat]) (born c. 1972), also known as Sharbat Bibi, by journalist Steve McCurry. It appeared on the June 1985 cover of National Geographic. The image is of an adolescent girl with green eyes in a red headscarf looking intensely at the camera. The identity of the photo's subject was not initially known, but in early 2002, she was identified as Sharbat Gula. She was an Afghan child who was living in the Nasir Bagh refugee camp in Pakistan during the time of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan when she was photographed.

It has been likened to Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Mona Lisa and has been called "the First World's Third World Mona Lisa". The image became "emblematic" of "refugee girl/woman located in some distant camp" deserving of the compassion of the Western viewer.

Sharbat Gula has no other claim to fame. In fact, as per the Wiki write-up, she had not seen her own photograph that caused ripples the world over until it was shown to her in 2002.

I have lost count of the number of times I have stared at this photograph and forgotten about time. There is something so intense and so drawing about those eyes. I just can’t seem to put a finger on what exactly it is that makes this photo so gripping to me… just as it was for a whole lot of people the world over. Maybe it’s the sheer grit in those eyes. Maybe I see a fighter. Maybe I see those eyes scream ‘I dare you to try to crush my spirit.’

Okay, I’m staring at her pic again. O_O

Image source Google

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