Whew, the list of celebrities that have aged badly would be more of a book than an article. There are just so many.
Also, I don't want to really pick on anybody who just naturally didn't age well. But, obviously I've made a list, or why else would I be writing this, right?
So, I've made a list of five celebrities that haven't aged well, and I've lovingly titled this list the, “You Did That Sh*t to Yo’self list”! These are in no particular order. Enjoy.😊
- Mickey Rourke:
If you believe Mickey Rourke's story, the first 69 plastic surgery operations went perfect, but it was #70 that messed everything up.
If you believe my story, this dude who had become a big actor based off a rugged manly look tried way too hard to turn himself into a plastic female and it finally worked!
Mickey Rourke, you did that sh*t to yo’self.
2. Ozzy Osborne:
Have you ever wondered what someone might look like after almost 40 years of doing ALL the drugs in the world? Ants apparently too, because nothing gives a smoother nose sting than snorting a bunch of fire ants! Well, take a look at Ozzy and wonder no more.
It was actually closer to thirty years of drug use. He tried telling people he was sober for those first ten years of sobriety, but he was so messed up by that point that most of his speech was slurred and nobody could understand him when he would tell them. One fire ant too many I guess!
Ozzy, I love ya, but you did that sh*t to Yo’self!
3. Meg Ryan:
Ladies, picture this: You're considered one of the most beautiful women on the planet. You're also one of the biggest actresses in Hollywood, well deserved because you are a really good actress. You're married to a man who is also considered one of the best looking men alive and a huge actor. And you also have more money than you could ever spend. What would you do? Meg Ryan was in this exact scenario, and she decided to do everything she could to become a completely different person. She and the husband, Dennis Quaid, got divorced. Meg proceeded to move all of her stuff into a surgery room at the Beverley Hills Hospital, where she lived and had dozens of surgeries trying to alter her appearance over the next several years. Like Rourke, one too many!
Which reminds me, Meg, I don't have $20 I can loan you so please stop asking me. Sorry, but you did that sh*t to Yo’self!
4. Lindsay Lohan:
I can understand child stars dealing with drug use and depression as adults when their careers suddenly disappear, and I sympathize with them. Lindsay Lohan is not that type of child star. She was transitioning from child to adult star just fine in the beginning. Something quickly went off the rails though.
Soon after she filmed the movie “Mean Girls” she became an alcoholic, drug-addicted, proud sl*t(back in the Paris Hilton era when it was the in thing to be a proud sl*t)! BTW, sl*t is their word, not mine lol! She was also rumored to be a terror behind the scenes of her movies, when she wasn't too hung over to even show up at all.
Apparently, at some point, she fell in love with cocaine so much that she decided to dye her hair white in a drug-induced tribute to it of some sort. And that's a perfect example of why, Lindsay Lohan, you did that sh*t to Yo’self!
5. Keith Richards:
No bad aging list would be complete without Keith Richards!
Keith is unique on this list for two things:
First, because Ozzy was hogging all the fu**ing drugs, Keith Richards is responsible for inventing several drugs just so he could always stay super high! You've probably heard of at least one or two of them.
Second, in addition to all the drug use, Richards smoked every cigarette made from 1968 through 2010. I don't mean he smoked every kind made, I mean he smoked every single cigarette made!
Now Keith, doing all that sh*t, you have to have known even way back then, that you were doing that sh*t to Yo’self!
That's my list, but with my habit of tweaking the question slightly, I would like to mention an honorable mention. This person actually had what most people would consider a successful plastic surgery, but still completely disappeared as an actress after.
In case you're too young to remember, Jennifer Grey was in two of the best movies ever: “Dirty Dancing” and “Ferris Beuller's Day Off”, which were basically in theaters at the same time! She was also in “Red Dawn”, another great movie, around the same time. She was the biggest actress going for a few years.
Also, in case you can't tell from the angle of that pic, she had a fairly big nose. She decided to have plastic surgery to change it. By most people's standards, it would have been considered a success. I mean, she still looks pretty good in that right picture, and she's 55 in that one.
Apparently, her look with the bigger nose was something that directors were specifically looking for. After her surgery, her career took an immediate nose dive (pun intended). I haven't personally seen her in anything in a long time.
Just like our other plastic ager's on this list though, she took a gamble when she had that plastic surgery. A gamble she lost! That's why, unfortunately for you Jennifer, you did that sh*t to Yo’self!
Thanks again for reading, everybody. I hope you enjoyed it.😊
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