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What is the most common thing Avenger in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

I can imagine everyone seeing this will no doubt answer Hawkeye just because his “only” specialty is a bow ’n’ arrow and archery skills and compared to a Super Soldier, a billionaire genius with high tech suits and weapons, the God of Thunder, a Green Goliath who's the strongest man on Earth, a sorceress, a Russian Super Agent that automatically makes him the most useless Avenger but quite frankly I HIGHLY disagree because when I think about it the most useless Avenger in the MCU would have to be none other than Quicksilver.

Okay so for this guy to have super speed and can run as nearly as fast as the Flash you would think that would give him the MAJOR advantage over Hawkeye, Black Widow, Black Panther, Winter Soldier or the Falcon but the fact that for a guy who can run at super speed he got SO easily killed off by Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Okay YES I know he was taking those bullets to protect Hawkeye who was protecting a small boy when Ultron was firing at them from the Quinjet but the fact that he debuted in Avengers: Age of Ultron only to get killed off in the same movie pretty much made him literally the least used character in the MCU while Hawkeye went on to appear in Captain America: Civil War and will appear in Avengers: Endgame as Ronin so while people are gonna no doubt keep saying Hawkeye is the most useless Avenger in the MCU I for one think that honor should go to Quicksilver because well his stint in the MCU lasted no more than one movie.

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