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What is easy when you start, but gets very difficult very quickly?

Have you ever seen a woman (or man) and thought, “Wow - I would looooove to be with them.”

And thought, “God ….if only I could be that person.”

Or seen an unbelievably gorgeous person get dumped by someone who wasn’t all that gorgeous?

You are shocked, how!?!?!?

I’ve had those “In awe” feelings, seeing a beautiful woman.

I’ve also been that undeserving dope that dumped that woman. Who you would be scratching your head thinking “what a fool he is.”

It’s an amazing thing, almost like a phenomenon, that transition. When you flip from the front of the book to the end of the book.

“Am I reading the same book? How could two people’s opinion of each other change so drastically?”

Hollywood is the worst. You see this right and left.

Unbelievably beautiful, nice, charming couples. You look at them and say, “Please have lots of babies.”

And boom. It ends.

And don’t just assume all these relationships end because they have too many options. That’s just lazy thinking.

It’s because - no matter how beautiful or stunning, talented, brilliant, she or he is, no matter how lucky you feel to be dating someone.

No matter what. No matter no matter no matter what.

You will get used to, accustomed to, normalized to - each other.

“My inconsiderate boyfriend (Hercules) broke the pickle jar again, I told him to go easy - “You hear that STUPID? IN-CON-SID-ER-ATE”’

“Einstein is still in there doing his stupid math.”

“My (model) girlfriend is in there putting stupid makeup on again. Getting hair in my sink.”

“Well. Well. well. Let me guess Mike(elangelo), you are painting again.”

Do you know why you aren’t attracted to your sister?

It actually isn’t because she’s your sister. (Though the knowledge that she is your sister certainly adds to it.)

But if you grew up with a girl who was adopted, you would totally not be attracted to her either.

Why? Because you’ve spent so much time around them. You’ve lived with them.

Prolonged proximity tarnishes the shine that initially draws us in.

That’s why you’ll quickly find out if you are truly compatible in a relationship.

Many relationships begin with the two people having sex 3 times a day for months on end. And ends with months of them sitting on opposite sides of the couch not talking.

I’ve lived this life. I’ve seen it a number of times. I’ve made every mistake. Hopefully, so you don’t have to.

Remind yourself how lucky you are. Treat the internal relationship you have with that person as sacred as the initial visual relationship you had with them.

Appreciate the things you have. Don’t fight over stupid shit. Say sorry. Do random nice things for each other. Do things together. Remember how much worse you could have it.

Too many people blow a good thing because they get comfortable.

Image source Google

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