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What is a country you've visited and loved, but no one else has heard of?

I have been loved in many countries, because I believe in love and humanity. But, Comoros is a country very few people have heard and it is the island in the Indian ocean not only that it is UN recognized country. But another country is Transnistria and very few people have heard it but it is not UN recognized country which is also unknown as unofficial part of Moldova. The most strange thing about this country is that it has plastic coins and the capital is Tiraspol. Where as Moroni is the capital of Comoros and it has four islands which are; Grand Comoros, Moheli, Anjoua, and Mayotte. Mayotte is still French colony and developed than other islands and you need French Overseas Territories visa to enter Mayotte. People from Mayotte have good life and they don’t want to be independent from France.

I was in Comoros via cargo ferry from Tanzania and it was the difficult journey because Marium ( Marium is the name of cargo ship) was over loaded and the Indian Ocean was so rough in the month of July. Even I have not heard of it before I travelled to Africa but I have heard quite about Madagascar.

When I reached to Moroni, Comoros, I was the only traveller and I got so much attention from the local people to Police officer. I was even allowed to enter into the port any time and people loved to talk to me and always smile. I felt like that I was a hero and the only traveller in the country. I spent two weeks in this beautiful country, enjoyed delicious sea foods and left for Madagascar. It is the most beautiful memories as I have made lot of friends from this country.

Another country was Transnistria and oh! my goodness, how much I was loved there, the gentleman in the town had shown me all the places not only that we smiled, exchanged our words but the funniest thing was that he even had not heard the country of mine. When I told him about Himalayas, he was so stunned and we had become more closed. When you make one friend, you make lot of friends and all people smiled, talked to me, ahhaahahahah! That was the loveliest moment in my life. The most surprising thing was that even I have not heard about Transnistria as I heard it once I reached Moldova. And I have made good friends there. The beautiful thing in travelling is to meet the people of the country you have never heard and become friends not only that it is more beautiful when they have not the heard about the country you are from. I was also popular there. These two countries build up my confidence and inspired me to travel more. So, I travel not to go anywhere but to go.

All above three pictures are the memories from; Pridnestrovie-Transnistria-Tiraspol.

The Port and you can see the ship Marium

Mount Karthala in Comoros, behind of me and the height is 2361m

Beautiful Beach

I enjoyed the beach, the colorful water of Indian Ocean and the black volcano rock.

Conclusion - These both countries I have never heard nor would plan to travel after I left home and I was again surprised that people from these both countries never heard my country; Nepal.

Thank you for reading and thank you Julia Nelson to ask me this question.

Image source Facebook

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