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What historical fact blows your mind?

The kinds of animals that roamed the Earth hundreds of thousands (and millions) of years ago(the further back in time you go, the stranger and more shocking the animals that existed)….

Take for example these giant, galloping, dinosaur-eating crocodiles:

These dinosaur-eating creatures lived on Earth approximately 100 million years ago, and were both strong swimmers and could “gallop”

If you want something cuter, take a look at the glyptodon, which was basically a giant car-sized armadillo (they eventually went extinct due to a combination of being overhunted by early humans and climate change following the last Ice Age)

Their shells were used by humans as a form of shelter.

Then there was Megatherium, which was a giant sloth that stood 7 meters tall and could weigh up to 7 tons:

Even stranger than the land creatures were the ones who lived in oceans:

The long-necked elasmosaurus:



Although there are many shocking facts related to more recent history, there is something particularly interesting about the strange creatures that roamed the Earth in the distant past.

NOTE: Thank you for reading and upvoting my answer! I’m just getting started on Quora, feel free to follow me and ask me questions

Picture Source Google

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