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What foods should we avoid?

Outside of being allergic, I don’t think there is any food that I can’t recommend. The bigger the selection of different foods, the better.

Many are overly concerned about what things to put into their bodies, and I think it has become neurotic with some people.

Advertisements and articles seasonally update their scare stories with whatever they can find to support a lifestyle they are trying to promote. Remember when bread was bad for you? Eggs? Beef? (well, beef is still bad for you, but you get my thinking here.)

We eat enough food, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in the Industrialized Countries that we don’t need to force certain foods into our systems like medicine.

But what about junk food? Are you talking about those Oreo cookies next to my coffee?

Treats are OK, Americans. McDonald’s is kosher. If you make it your daily habit to eat an Egg McMuffin?

You are going to get fat and load your body up on fairly junky nutrition.


If we allow ourselves treats, we are apt to watch what/how we eat. Assuming, of course, that someone is making an effort.

But the people reading this answer most likely already have some notions on nutrition. If we pay attention to what we eat, stop eating when we are full, and consider whether one cookie will satisfy now.

I think to limit foods is a bad idea.

Thanks for asking my opinion.

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