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What do you think of India?

I'm Russian, so here it comes.

Before I came to India I did not like it. I hated Indian movies, music, dots on foreheads. I thought it was smelly, dirty and noisy. Then one day my boss is telling me that I'm going to India. I was like 'oh shoot’. So I went to India, and you know what? All of my thoughts turned out to be true. It was smelly, noisy and dirty. But there was one thing that I never had thought before and it was the people. Indian people were one of the greatest life transforming experiences. One thing that really stunned me about Indians is that they are so much like Russians in character, and yet they are so different. I worked with very smart, intelligent, friendly, professional and, surprisingly, disciplined people. Although some Indian people, especially higher ranking officials, have a rather peculiar sense of time. Let's put it this way, they are never in a hurry.

Since my first visit I have been to many Indian cities, among which are Chennai, New Delhi, Margao, Kochi, Lucknow, and they all were very very different. But my favourite place in India is Mumbai. I lived near the Colaba Market, it was deafening. I took part in the wedding procession in Colaba and I have no words to describe my excitement.

Now India is my favourite foreign country. I really miss it during the Corona crisis. I miss its mornings, fabrics, and of course the food. I have a couple of Indian friends and we regularly congratulate each other with our national holidays.

I think that if the whole world suddenly disappeared and only India left, the Indians would not be too upset about it. India has everything in terms of industry, trade and culture. Nothing would be different inside India because it is so huge, old, and self-reliant.

Below: Masala dosa with chuntey - best breakfast ever.

I even tried to learn Hindi, but gave up. Despite this, I found myself inadvertently making that peculiar head motion and hand gestures when talking to Indians, and sometimes even talking with Indian intonations. Something that I'm utterly unable to recreate anywhere in the world outside India. It only works there.

Here's me on an old English cannon on the Elephanta Island:

ADD: Thanks for all the comments, shares, and upvotes. I didn't expect my answer to get so much in less than a day.

Image source Google

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