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What do you think about Amber Heard hooking up with James Franco and Elon Musk while she was married to Johnny Depp?

I think very little of it. It’s a distraction, if anything, from the real issue of Amber Heard physically abusing her former husband and getting away with it scot-free. Domestic abuse is a horrible thing, regardless of the gender committing the offense. Too often, however, it is grossly overlooked and underreported when the abuse comes from a woman, or it takes place in a non-straight relationship.

Amber Heard is an abuser. She’s a cheater, too. And a wooden actress. But those are not offenses that can land a woman in jail — physical abuse is. As is defamation of character. She’s abused her (female) exes before, but never saw the inside of a jail cell. Next, she rather horifically abused her husband. Again, she never saw any repercussions for this behavior. Warner Bros studio ended up firing him, not her, and she continues to be a bit of a ‘media darling’, being fawned over for her ‘incredible bravery’ of standing up to her oh-so-violent husband… while, funny enough, she’s the one with a history of violence, abuse, and cheating.

People started a petition to have Amber Heard fired the way Depp was fired. Hugely successful, it already has nearly 1.5 million signatures. The double standards are just mind-boggingly unfair and people are fed-up with it… She literally admitted to hitting her former husband. She is, on record, on tape, admitting to how she “cannot promise to control herself”, how she cannot be sure not to hit him again… it’s awful. And it’s all out there. Public. Free for all to see, to research and look into.

Yet only Johnny Depp is the one losing his career over this mess. Because he’s a man. Middle-aged. A bit washed-up. But above all, because he’s a man, and she’s a (pretty) woman and in today’s political climate, sometimes that’s all it takes for you to be believed. In light of all this, her cheating is a bit of an afterthought.

Image source Google

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