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What do Robert Pattinson co-stars (Harry Potter or Twilight) think of his casting as Batman?

As of right now i haven’t heard much from most of his co-stars, but currently the only one to speak on his casting as Batman was his former partner/girlfriend…

Kristen Stewart.

And her response simply was that she’s happy for him.

Heres the vid, if you want to so her full reaction.

This is common to hear from her, mostly since she was inclined to marry Pattinson at one time. which she herself has confirmed, and admitted on a live radio show/podcast with Howard Stern.

(although she has currently moved on from him, and is now reportedly dating Dylan Myer)

Don’t worry though, MANY women would love to marry Rob Pattinson just like they would Bruce Wayne.

And i’m saying that in the most honest way possible. but hey, maybe that’s just me.

tell me what think down in the comments ;)

til next time though, take care.

Thanks for Scrolling

Image source Google

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