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What are some things nobody tells you about life?

  • Nobody told me how important it is to take a break in life and to go with the flow.
  • Nobody told me how to handle myself when I fall.
  • Nobody told me how important the environment around me is.
  • Nobody told me how toxic someone can become just to get their work done.
  • Nobody told me how important my inner self is and how to connect with it.
  • Nobody told me how wonderful enjoying my own company can be.
  • Nobody told me how to take your decision independently.
  • Nobody told me how important self-control and discipline is.
  • Nobody told me how essential is my health.
  • Nobody told me how important novels are coz they are just a real reflection of the world.
  • Nobody told me how to accept both traits negative as well as positive.
  • Nobody told me that I can make my career in the dance field.
  • Nobody told me how to handle myself after an emotional breakdown.
  • Nobody told me how just a single song can change my mood.
  • Nobody told me how powerful this platform can be. Because I can easily reflect myself from my writings.
  • Nobody told me that it's better to smile than overreacting in a particular situation.

But I'm telling you guys that your comments make me smile.

So don't forget to comment just in case you like any point and do tell what is something nobody told you?

Thanks Seggehak

Image source Google

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