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What are some of the most mind-blowing celebrity facts?

I think one of the most mind blowing and all favourite celebrities is this guy:

Who is this old man building a house, you ask? Is it some random construction worker? A carpenter? Nope.

Its former President Jimmy Carter.

I hate politics, and usually I dislike all politicians with an intense emotion.

But not this man. Nope, no sir. In fact, I would go as far to say that U.S President Jimmy Carter is the only politician I actually like as a person.

And you know why?

Its because he dedicated his life to helping others after leaving office.

It turns out, Jimmy Carter has spent the past decade working to eradicate Guinea Worm Disease, through his charity The Carter Foundation.

Whats Guinea Worm Disease?

Guinea Worm Disease is a terrible parasite that eats human flesh, that causes death, disability and mass poverty.

Or at least, it used to. Thanks to Jimmy Carter, the disease is close to being permanently eradicated around the globe.

Not only that, but despite being 96 years old, Jimmy Carter still works tirelessly with Habitat for Humanity.

Despite having a horrible fall and nearly dying a few years ago, Jimmy still gives his precious few years left to build houses for the impoverished.

In fact, Jimmy and his wife helped build over 5,000 homes for the poorest of the poor around the world.

And guess what else impressed me?

When the Southern Baptist Convention,of which Jimmy was a member, ruled that “women were not allowed to be pastors”, guess what Jimmy, who is deeply Christian did?

He sent them all letters, resigning from the Southern Baptist Convention.

Jimmy is a deeply Christian man. But he stood up for his fellow woman, and put his foot down when church leaders pulled the sexist card.

Jimmy doesn't care what your gender is. To him, you're a person, and that's what matters.

And best of all?

Jimmy didn't retire from being President to live a life of champagne and caviar. In fact, he still lives in his old, run down, $150,000 house.

He could have become a millionaire writing books, and giving speeches like Bill Clinton, but instead Jimmy said “money was never very important to me.”

Instead of becoming a multi millionaire, Jimmy decided to put his time and money towards helping others.

And guess what surprised me the most?

The most wholesome thing about Jimmy Carter is that he teaches Sunday School.

Yep. That's right. The same man who used to be the most powerful man in the world teaches toddlers that “Jesus loves them” every week.

I dont care what Religion you believe in. You have to admit, that thats adorable and wholesome as heck!

I don't know much about Jimmy Carter's political beliefs or his time in office. And I am very hard to impress when it comes to politicians claiming they are “Christian” as it usually is just some ploy to get people to vote for them.

But I think its safe to say that as a Christian, Jimmy is certainly walking the walk when it comes to loving others.

No matter what your political or religious beliefs, you have to admit.

Jimmy Carter is one mind blowing guy.

Thanks for Reading

Image source Google

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