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Were there any clues in previous MCU films that Captain America wanted to be with Peggy Carter and no one else?

More than one.

When he woke up after 70 yrs, all he cared about was:

There are some which are not indications per se:

Such as Steve searching for files about Peggy in 2012.

And him visiting Peggy in the hospital.

Or him attending Peggy’s funeral.

I feel like that was much more of commitment to the person that he used to love and a memory of his old life.

Anyways here are the noteworthy indications:

  • The Peggy compass that Steve held his entire life after meeting Peggy. He could have easily lost it somewhere but he kept it safe (it was a motivation for him to keep fighting).
  • Steve could have easily fallen for another girl. He was America’s favorite son in the 40s when he started doing play/show.
  • At that time, he could have gotten any girl, he wants.
  • Heck, he could have been the grandfather of Star-Lord if he did hang out with his grandmother. According to James Gunn, this is Star-Lord’s grandmother:
  • She clearly had a crush for Cap. (i know that’s not how ‘you know what’ works but it’s the MCU so…this is going to far, this is weird.)
  • Even when in the 21st century, there were some he could have hooked up with.
  • Especially Black Widow.
  • Cap and Widow have been working together since Avengers 2012 and they were fugitives since Civil War 2016 to 2018. I mean they clearly could have give this relationship a chance.
  • BUT STEVE NEVER DID! If that’s not an indication then i don’t know what is.
  • Another indication that Steve didn’t get over Peggy when he had a flashback about her, specifically. (let’s ignore the fact that this was basically a glimpse of what would happen in the future).
  • And most importantly we all know he went back in time for her so…..that’s case closed.

Image source Facebook
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