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Is Daniel Craig the best Bond after Sean Connery?

Maybe in the minority here, but no, not for me. Craig isn’t a bad actor, and he’s in some of the best movies in the franchise, but his lack of joie de vivre is exhausting. He’s one of the few on screen Bond’s who doesn’t seem to enjoy his job at all. Most of the time he looks miserable and depressed:

Bond doesn’t cry in the shower after a kill. He makes a little joke and then has himself a nice drink and a fancy meal.


“Royal Beluga, North of the Caspian,”

That said, arguably, Craig’s coldness, and less likeable personality, is somwhat closer to Flemming’s Bond in the books. But, other than that, his style and his lack of refinement puts him even further away than the other potrayals. His physicality reflects that as well, he’s a vicious bruiser.

Not at all like the calculated Bond of the novels and classic films, who relies on his cunning and carefulness more than brute force:

And his appearance is also the most off (at least, the most off from what I think of when I imagine a Bond “type”):

So no, in my opinion, Craig is not the second best Bond, he’s the depressed Bond:

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