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How do boxers stay muscular without lifting weights?

1. Build Muscle Without Weights

Boxers build muscle through high repetitions and low loads. More muscle mass for boxers actually has adverse effects in their performance because it slows them down by decreasing their speed, agility, and also flexibility.

So it is important that they find a different method of building muscle opposed to weight lifting. Multiple muscle groups supply power for the punches the boxers are dishing out.

Full-body exercises like calisthenics are perfect with the addition of circuit training and cardio for boxers.

Other techniques that are available to build muscle without weight, especially for boxers, is hitting a heavy bag or speed bag. Not only does it build muscle, but these bags help the boxers in the ring when fighting a moving target.

2. Calisthenics

Calisthenics are gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness. This style of exercise focuses on strength and body training. It is also known to improve strength, posture, and body compositions.

This benefits boxers because here is no need for major gym equipment to do these exercises. Studies have shown that men who perform calisthenics lower body fat percentages and increase muscle without weight lifting.

Another great thing about calisthenic training is there are exercises for the entire body. There are upper body exercises that include chest and shoulders. Also, back, abs exercises, and leg exercises within calisthenics.

3. Upper Body Calisthenics

Some exercises for the upper body include many variations of pushups like inclines, declines, wide, close-hand push-ups, pike, and handstand push-ups. Pushups are a great exercise to burn body fat and build muscle using your own body weight.

Other upper body exercises that push-ups increase muscle mass is in the shoulder. Exercises like the pike and handstand pushups specifically focus on the shoulder muscles.

More arm calisthenic variations great for boxers:

  • Tricep Dips
  • Dip Holds
  • Inverted Rows
  • Diamond Pushups

4. Back Calisthenics

A few back calisthenics exercises include variations of pull-ups like regular pulls-ups, closed or wide hand pull-ups, and chin-ups. This will work out different groups of muscles in your back and increase fat burning

5. Benefits of Calisthenics

Calisthenics is a great form of exercising for boxing because of the overall full-body workout you can get from it, but it is great because it requires no weights. And in boxing, this is ideal to gain muscle without the excess.

These 5 steps reveal the things you absolutely MUST AVOID if you want to look younger, to boost your immunity, reclaim your health, and achieve your ideal bod.

Image source Google

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