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How can dropshipping be successful if shipping takes a long time?

How can drop shipping to be successful if shipping takes a long time? For example with the complaints, Refunds and Returns of Products when you are Drop shipping?

An issue will arise when you do Drop shipping and a Customer is receiving defective or damaged or unsatisfactory products, and the Customer asks for a Reimbursement and wants to Return the Products within the agreed return policy (that you agreed upon with Supplier as arranged in the Drop shipping Agreemen

This situation sooner or later will happen for sure! In most situations, Customer is leading and his/hers wishes must be respected.

Obviously, a good way to prevent claims is to test the item yourself first. Therefore you will know what your customs can expect. However, incidents happen, and their item might really have a problem.

In any case, it’s important you have dealt with it before you start (drop) shipping the goods to the Customers. Please note that in this situation, it means that You, the Vendor, has sold damaged or defective goods, and the Vendor is the first contact to deal with this situation to return goods the Supplier that arranges the shipment.

A professional approach is arranging a Return Policy with your Supplier, and based on this, make a shorter period of time with your Customer. For example, you arrange 30-day return policy for Products after shipment with your Supplier. Than you agree on 25-day return policy with the Customer. In that way, you are sure you are not in trouble, when you are in this situation!

As for the shipping the physical the best way in case of Dropshipping is to let it ship directly from Customer to your Supplier so that they can handle the incoming and returned Products. In any case, work with formal Notifications towards your Drop shipping Supplier in order to manage good relationships, so that these issues are resolved without any dispute.

According to your Drop Shipping Agreement, you agreed on a (30/25-day) return policy that we provide to our Customers. The Customer announced that he/she wants to return the Products.

Than the following follow-up actions are needed:

1) Damage/Defective Products, Supplier needs to Ship a new product to Customer.

2) Damage/Defective Products, Customer applied for Refund. Supplier needs to Reimburse Vendor’s Account, and Vendor will Reimburse Customers account. Besides addressing the quantity, damage or defects of these Products, you also need to include any applicable claims coming from the Customer.

3) Undamaged/Unworn Products and Customer applied for Refund within Return Policy period. Supplier needs to Reimburse Vendor’s Account, and Vendor will Reimburse Customers account. However, in case Products are damaged by Customer, provide photo proof and we will contact Customer. It’s better to wait refund until Products have arrived Suppliers Incoming Products in warehouse.

4) No Refund, since the Products are Undamaged/Unworn and Customer exceeded the (30/25-days) Return Policy period. The Claim is not valid and Vendor can inform the Customer about it directly.

In all above situations, we recommend to work with a Formal Notification for Return of Products and ask first for Suppliers Approval on your decision.

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