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Will the discovery of COVID-19 in Denmark result in the near-extinction of captive minks? Will this end the mink trade?

Well, they plan on killing all of them. The virus has mutated, as most of us knew it would and has again become zoonotic. In order to save humans, we have to kill animals. Interesting, isn’t it, that more humans carry the virus than animals do, but we aren’t culling humans? Humans cruelly placed those minks in cages, bred them, exposed them to cruel conditions and now they will all be slaughtered. Humans just need to start learning that animals were not put on this planet to clothe us or entertain us. They are here because it is their planet, not ours.

Denmark plans to cull its entire population of roughly 15 million minks in farms after the animals spread a mutation of the coronavirus to humans.

The country's prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, said at a press conference Wednesday that the mutated virus could spread to other countries and it "may pose a risk to the effectiveness of a future vaccine."

“We have a great responsibility towards our own population, but with the mutation that has now been found, we have an even greater responsibility for the rest of the world as well,” she said.

The mutated virus was found in a dozen people who got infected by minks. Half of the 783 human Covid-19 cases in northern Denmark "are related to mink," Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said.

Workers wear protective equipment as they cull minks in Gjol, Denmark, on Oct. 8, 2020, after a Covid-19 outbreak.Henning Bagger / AFP - Getty Images

Mike Ryan, the head of the emergencies program for the World Health Organization, has called for scientific investigations of the "complex, complex issue" of people outside of China infecting minks, which in turn transmitted the virus back to humans.

Kare Molbak, a director at the research center Statens Serum Institut, said the worst-case scenario would be "a new pandemic, starting all over again out of Denmark."

“That’s why we have to take this extremely seriously,” Molbak said.


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CORONAVIRUSWHO downplays coronavirus mink mutation risk after Denmark orders massive cull

There are between 15 million and 17 million minks in Denmark, one of the world's main mink fur exporters. According to government estimates, culling the country's mink population could cost up to $785 million. National police head Thorkild Fogde urged that “it should happen as soon as possible."

Outbreaks at mink farms have persisted in the country despite repeated efforts to cull infected animals since June. Minks have also been culled in the Netherlands and Spain after infections were discovered.

In the United States, nearly 10,000 minks at nine fur farms in Utah died of Covid-19, state veterinarian Dean Taylor told NBC News last month.

The deaths forced the affected farms to quarantine as the outbreaks were investigated.

Taylor said that the virus predominantly targeted older minks, “wiping out 50 percent of the breeding colonies," and left the younger ones relatively unscathed. The virus was detected in the animals in August after ranch workers tested positive for the coronavirus.

"Once final testing is done, we’re going to create a state plan to stop this virus from spreading to more farms. It’s far easier to prevent it from happening, then stopping it from happening all at once," Taylor previously said.

Minks join a list of more than 50 animals in the U.S. that have contracted Covid-19. According to the Department of Agriculture, the virus has also been detected in cats, dogs, tigers and lions.

They aren’t going to stop breeding minks and having farms where they are gassed or electrocuted and often skinned alive. No. That would make too much sense. They’ll keep the ones who test negative and start rebuilding their farm populations. Let’s keep torturing animals who belong in the wild where they wouldn’t have been exposed to the virus. We caused this. We’re paying the price. If you think Mother Nature is finished with teaching us how to properly treat her animals, you are sadly mistake. I’m going to shed a few tears now.

Image source Google

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