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Why does Mr. Toth states that the spacetime metric is real and quantum fields that inhabit spacetime are real, but spacetime itself is somehow not real? What am I missing? Space and time are both involved here, right?

Mr. Toth states “We do not measure spacetime. We cannot measure spacetime.” I disagree. The official footage captured by a US Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet present at the 2004 Nimitz UAP incident off the coast of San Diego offers metric effects on physical processes in an altered spacetime as interpreted by a remote (unaltered spacetime) observer.

Gravity is a property of matter; but not a property of electromagnetism. The hypothesis is that protons [holes in the semiconductor junction] in all forms of matter and their presence in our location in the universe, this is the source of the attractive force of gravity in the vicinity of matter. The other novel thing is the absence of matter produces a repulsive anti-gravity force that is much weaker then the gravity force and balloon like. Electrons however do not contribute enough mass to really affect gravitation in any significant way. The geometry of matter, or lack thereof, causes a force field to be produced that I could measure.

In his paper H. E. Puthuff, [link to article->] “Advanced space propulsion based on vacuum (spacetime metric) engineering,” Jour. Brit. Interplanetary Soc. 63 (3), 82-89 (2010) Hal proposed the basic hypothesis in altered spacetime:

· denser spacetime (g00 < 1, |g11| > 1) time dilates, length shrinks “gravitational”

· expanded spacetime (g00 > 1, |g11| < 1) time shrinks, length dilates “antigravitational

Harmful Spacetime Metric-Engineering Consequences video of Dr. Harold E. Puthoff.

Gravitation is faster than speed of light in context of Quantum Tunneling.

In the barrier is where the entanglement occurs, but the protons don't really move, they vibrate. You might say they all sing and dance to the same tune.

Quantum tunneling is an example of the quantum entanglement phenomena. Quantum tunneling is the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a subatomic particle passes through a potential barrier instantaneously. In quantum mechanics the hypothesis is matter [i.e. mass or gravitons] as having properties of both waves and particles. One interpretation of this duality involves the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which defines a limit on how precisely the position and the momentum of a particle can be known at the same time. This implies that there are no solutions with a probability of exactly zero (or one), though a solution may approach infinity if, for example, the calculation for its position was taken as a probability of 1, the other, i.e. its speed, would have to be infinity [instantaneous]. Hence, the probability of a given particle's existence on the opposite side of an intervening barrier is non-zero, and such particles will appear on the 'other' side (a semantically difficult word in this instance) with a relative frequency proportional to this probability.

Gravitation is slower than speed of light in context of frame dragging.

Examine the difference between gravito-magnetic induction and [electro-]magnetic induction. A GMR read head signal is observed from a 10μm x 10μm square bump of around 32 nanometer tall on a hard disk platen spinning at a constant linear velocity of 500 inches per second (ips). The disk is spinning counter-clockwise, so we observe the first [electro]-magnetic induction signal on the left as the edge of the square nano-bump moves under GMR sensor. This upward magnetic induction is induced by the 90° change in the angle at the edge of bump at the speed of light. This is followed by the downward gravitomagnetic signal of a bump 1μSecond later traveling at the speed of gravity. We observe the downward polarity second [electro]magnetic induction signal on the right of the gravitomagnetic signal as the edge of the square nano-bump moves under GMR sensor 0.8μSecond later traveling at the speed of light. In this example we observe the gravitational frame dragging is 1μSecond. Voltage is in millivolts (mV).

Presence of matter moving produces a pull force and negative polarity gravity

The image is of a cross sectional view of the GMR read head with a piezo-electric crystal mounted on the back side of the head slider. The GMR read head is sensitive to magnetic field changes while the piezo-electric crystal on the back of the slider is sensitive to physical motion of the head slider. A 10μm x 10μm square bump of around 32 nanometer height measurement results are shown. On the left is the piezo-electric Glide Head signal where is observed an undamped physical pull against the head slider against the force of Earth Gravity as shown. On the right the GMR sensor shows a negative polarity gravitomagnetic signal. Therefore this infers the presence of matter on the spinning disk produced a physical pull force and negative polarity gravitomagnetism. In this example we observe the gravitational frame dragging is 1μSecond.

Absence of matter moving produces a push force and positive polarity gravity

The image is a cross sectional view of the GMR read head with a piezo-electric crystal mounted on the back side of the head slider with a nano-pit on the surface of the disk. A 10μm x 10μm square pit of around 52 nanometer depth measurement results are shown. On the left is the piezo-electric Glide Head signal where is observed a short dampened physical push against the head slider against the force of Earth Gravity. On the right the GMR sensor shows a positive polarity gravitomagnetic signal. Therefore this infers the absence of matter on the spinning disk produced a push force and positive polarity gravitomagnetism. In this example we observe the gravitational frame dragging is 1μSecond. This also infers there exist two different time frames, one for matter [or the lack there of], and another for electromagnetism [EM].

Above are 3-D images of measurements taken from a Park Systems atomic force microscope (AFM) of the 10μm x 10μm square pit of around 52 nanometer depth and a 10μm x 10μm square bump of around 32 nanometer height associated with the data displayed above.

Gravitational junction: parabolic pull force of nano-gravity and hyperbolic push force of nano-antigravity [like a balloon]

A diode is a semiconductor material with a p–n junction connected to two electrical terminals. The p-type side of the junction has an excess of protons [called “holes”], and also called “acceptors”. The n-type side of the junction has an excess of electrons, called “donors”. By varying the area of the nano-pits and the nano-bumps on the surface of the spinning disk the graph of the measured gravitational force is derived. A gravitational diode curve is observed for variable area pits and bumps. The p-type side of the gravitational diode is the acceptor side of junction producing positive gravitational induction and a push force with a third order polynomial of a hyperbolic force like that of a balloon. The n-type side of the gravitational diode is the donor side of the junction producing negative gravitational induction and a pull force with a second order polynomial of a parabolic like that of normal gravity.

Tic Tac GIF [above] demonstrates both gravitational and anti-gravitational effects

General relativity (GR) is a theory of gravitation that was developed by Albert Einstein between 1907 and 1915. According to general relativity, the observed gravitational attraction between masses results from the "warping of space and time by those masses". General relativity has developed into an essential tool in modern astrophysics. It provides the foundation for the current understanding of black holes, regions of space where gravitational attraction is so strong that not even light can escape.

Tic Tac GIF [above] demonstrates Special Relativity (SR) effects including length dilation using angular momentum in its propulsion

Einstein's "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper" ("On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies") was received on 30 June 1905 and published 26 September of that same year. It reconciles Maxwell's equations for electricity and magnetism with the laws of mechanics, by introducing major changes to mechanics close to the speed of light. This later became known as Einstein's special theory of relativity.

Consequences of this include the time-space frame of a moving body appearing to slow down and contract (in the direction of motion) when measured in the frame of the observer. This paper also argued that the idea of a luminiferous aether – one of the leading theoretical entities in physics at the time – was superfluous.

On time travel

I was exploring time travel in a discussion with Hal Puthoff. Let's assume the speed of light is our fixed time reference with gravitational interaction time being our variable. With expanded spacetime (g00 > 1, |g11| < 1) time shrinks, length dilates, so a anti-gravity pre-signal, we observed this effect for a 10μm x 10μm nano-pit exhibits as shown. To a non-expanded spacetime observer, objects moving in expanded spacetime appear to exceed the speed of light.

Likewise with denser spacetime (g00 < 1, |g11| > 1) time dilates, length shrinks, so a post-signal would be expected. We observed this effect for a 10μm x 10μm nano-bump, exhibits as shown.


The geometry of matter, or lack there of, causes a force field to be produced that I could measure. Regarding the gravitational temporal relation both forms of gravitation experience the same amount of frame dragging as described in Einstein's General Relativity theory; so doesn't that means Time must be the substance between gravitational energy and EM energy that makes up our existence? Time must be a substance. That's because gravitational space time is produced by hole states of matter and electromagnetism spacetime (EM or light) is produced by electron states of matter. Quantum mechanics (QM) is built on EM space time; not gravitational space time. However Special Relativity is built on EM space time while General Relativity is built on gravitational space time. The manifold of events in spacetime are a "substance" which exists independently of the matter within it...Special Relativity (SR) and General Relativity (GR) created a conundrum for Einstein that he tried to resolve unsuccessfully to unit the two theory in to one grand unified field theory. My discovery is that while the speed of light is constant that's not true for gravitation. It can be slower in speed and faster too. Einstein focused to much on the speed of light and not enough on the "holes" all around him. That's where the gravitation is. That "electromagnetism is in spacetime A" let's call that space-time "{EM} space-time", and this is what Einstein's "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper"[1] ("On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies") described which reconciles Maxwell's equations for electricity and magnetism with the laws of mechanics, by introducing major changes to mechanics close to the speed of light. This later became known as Einstein's special theory of relativity (SR).[2][3] That "gravitation is in spacetime B" let's call that space-time "{G}space-time" and this is what Einstein's General Relativity (GR) describes. According to general relativity,[4] the observed gravitational attraction between masses results from the "warping of space and time by those masses". When I write about this "manifold of events in spacetime are a "substance" which exists independently of the matter within it" this "manifold of events in spacetime" is this property that makes Time; as we measure it; the emergent {positive arrow of time}. Therefore time is a vector which direction depends on your position in our universe which is created by a change of energy states between gravitation to electromagnetism; and visa versa. The image of our local universe above shows spacetime is a substance. It flows from the past [shown on the left] and into the future(s) [shown on the right] and back again. This suggests our region of spacetime is the superposition of the past [denser spacetime] and the future [expanded spacetime] in the here and now.

[1] EINSTEIN, A. Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper. Annalen der Physik 17: 891-921, 1905.
[2] EINSTEIN, A.; GROSSMANN, M. Entwurf einer verallgemeinerten Relativitatstheorie und einer Theorie der Gravitation. Zeitschrift fur Mathematik und Physik 62: 225-261, 1913.
[3] EINSTEIN, A. Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie. Annalen der Physik, 49, 1916.
[4] HILBERT, D., Die Grundlagen der Physik. Mathematische Annalen, 92, 1924.

Link for Michael E. Boyd’s CV: 

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