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Which actor did the best portrayal of the president of the US?

My vote would go to Daniel Day Lewis in Lincoln

He worked incredibly hard to get down Lincoln’s looks and mannerisms. As a guy with a beard myself, I marveled at how Day-Lewis’s beard had stray hairs poking out instead of being perfectly trimmed. He also managed to capture Lincoln’s voice. Although we have no recordings of Lincoln, all contemporary accounts noted that Lincoln’s voice wasn’t deep and commanding, but rather high pitched. Despite this, he was still a great orator who could keep people hanging with a well placed turn of phrase, something he learned as a lawyer in Illinois. The other big thing was that Lincoln was known for trying to break tension with a humorous story. He was widely criticized for that, even by his cabinet. In most cases where he tells stories in the movie, they fall flat upon their audience. Despite this, Day-Lewis manages to also get down Lincoln’s commanding presence despite the man’s modesty. When he shows up unexpectedly in the lodgings of the “Albany Men” it’s clear they’re in total awe of him but Lincoln soon puts them at their ease.

Image source Twitter

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