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What type of things should people be looking to invest in a post-COVID-19 world?Originally Answered: What type of things should people be looking to invest in in a post COVID-19 world

One of the many things I did as soon as covid hit, was to study and research back hundreds of years to see how economies did AFTER a global pandemic.

History does not repeat exactly, however historical data gives us some vital information that can benefit investors as to how businesses change, adapt, and how new technologies of that era altered the economies of the past.

The Spanish Flu of of the WWI era was particularly interesting. This pandemic was devastating to the global economies. But what can after was the greatest economic shift ever seen.

From agricultural economies, the industrial revolution of that era created a huge middle class of wage earnings that have never existed before. These new middle class average citizens started the consumer based economy with prior advent of electricity can all kinds of home, kitchen electric appliances, cars, which had been a purely wealthy class luxury were mass assembly line produced providing jobs and cars for the average person. The Roaring Twenties was a time of rapid acceptance of new technology, middle class financial prosperity and a burgeoning new investor group.

Now about 100 years later, (severe pandemics tend to hit about every 100 years) we have a Endothelial pandemic called Covid-19. And right now the 4th Industrial Revolution is accelerating rapidly, creating a new class of wealthy investors and traders who make a living from trading the stock market and other financial markets.

Although there has been dabbling by retail investors for a couple of decades in learning to trade like professional traders, the tools, skills, and incentives were not yet fully developed. Now the financial markets are gearing up for far more people to be Trading as a Business as the job opportunities shrink due to the advancement of Robots, Robotics, and Humanoid Robots which are expected to rapidly displace human workers during the Covid 19 final year or two of this pandemic.

Robots of all kinds are going to displace human workers in about 60 popular careers aka jobs in the next decade, or so it is projected by the experts. That is not my prediction nor is it my forecast. That is from 140+ various US industries all saying the same thing: Covid has created a huge demand for replacing humans in many every day jobs and even highly skilled jobs as soon as possible for corporations and there are plenty of incentives cost-wise for corporations to do so rapidly during the economic recession this time. Robots have an upfront cost but pay for themselves quickly.

With the loss of jobs from nursing care to attorneys to manufacturing jobs how will the middle class of the world make a living?

The Financial Based Economy which has its infrastructure being built right now, even while most citizens have no idea what is going on or that that job they are going to college for will not exist for humans in 4 years. It will be filled by robots.

The Financial Sector knows this is happening. They see the huge wave of Baby Boomers retiring, many early due to covid and they see the second wave of GenX coming faster. They see the displacement technology creating a workplace full of robots rather than humans worldwide.

So they are putting 2 and 2 together which equals: MORE investors and more retail traders needing more financial instruments to make a living from the financial sector which already has plans for digital currency, tokenization of just about everything from shipping cargo to fractional instruments for every asset corporations and governments own.

That is the future. Those who are ready will have higher incomes. Those who are still believing the stock market is a big casino to gamble in will lose even more money and those who reject the stock market as a probably means of income will find it harder and harder to maintain a middle class income level.

There is so much new technology in the financial world being creating it is staggering in scope and far beyond the means of explaining via Twitter answer format.

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