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What is an example of a famous actor practically falling into a movie career (with no prior experience)

Jason Statham is an English actor.However, when I say "actor" I mean it in the loosest possible sense. He has actually had no actors training or schooling of any kind. He did do some modeling for a bit just before being discovered by Guy Ritchie for the role of "Bacon" in "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" (1998) For which he was paid £5,000 ($6,937) The role of "Bacon" was actually perfect for him, if for no other reason than because he actually WAS that character in real life. "He knew his days of selling moody goods on street corners were numbered" the narrator says in the movie, which was ironic because that's exactly what he was doing (more or less) when Guy Ritchie cast him in that role.

He's gone on to be cast in a second Guy Ritchie movie with none other than popular actors Brad Pitt, Dennis Farina, and Benicio del Toro in "Snatch"(2000) where he was able to triple his previous paycheck, £15,000 ($20,760), which must've seemed pretty good at the time.

Although the 2 Guy Ritchie movies he did basically shot him into stardom literally overnight, he'd have to "suffer" through 2 more mediocre films before the real success came. "Ghosts of Mars" and "The one", gave him the learning experience he needed and by 2005 he was deemed charismatic enough to carry a movie on his own. 2005's "The Transporter", along with supporting roles in "The Italian Job" (2003) and "Cellular" (2004) were enough to push his career into overdrive.

With a respectable list of hit movies and a net worth somewhere near $90 Million dollars, it seems all is well for the kid from Derbyshire, England.

Image source Google 

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