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What actors managed to carry bad or mediocre films with their performances?

Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spider-Man Movies

There is a popular narrative regarding the three actors who have played Spiderman in live action that is widely considered conventional wisdom.

This is how it goes –

• Tobey Maguire was an excellent Peter Parker and a decent Spiderman.

• Andrew Garfield was an excellent Spiderman and a half-decent Peter Parker.

• Tom Holland is the best of both worlds. He is the Parker that was promised.

I agree with the third part.

However, here is the thing. I don't think Tobey Maguire was a better Peter Parker than Andrew Garfield was. Tobey Maguire was an excellent Peter Parker and a decent Spiderman, for the early 2000s.

It was a time when comic-book movies weren't ubiquitous, and there certainly was a feeling of excitement because Sam Raimi was churning out these great Spiderman movies. Perhaps it was a bit of 'I can't believe we're getting these movies,' syndrome as well.

Maguire's Parker was flat and dull. It's clear what he was going for, but when has Peter Parker been such a whiney bore? He's a bit shy yes, angsty too, but he's quirky and funny as well. I think Maguire played him a bit too dull.

As for his portrayal of Spiderman, Maguire just didn't have the panache and presence. He was great at the time, but since then, we've seen that it can be done better.

Andrew Garfield did it better. There were many flaws in the ASM series, but he wasn't one of them. Yes, he is perhaps just a tad bit too handsome, but he brought this intense awkwardness to Peter that worked so well.

Just think of the scene in The Amazing Spiderman where he talks to Gwen Stacy in the corridor, he is painfully awkward, but there's a subtle hint of charm and humour in there too.

As for playing Spiderman, Garfield nailed it. He brought just the right amount of cockiness, snark and a joie de vivre that was sorely lacking in Maguire's interpretation.

Also, Garfield's palpable chemistry with his then real-life beau Emma Stone was one of the shining lights of the much-maligned Amazing Spiderman 2.

Also worth considering is that Maguire had the luxury of appearing in two outstanding movies. Spiderman 2 remains one of the best superhero movies of all time. While Garfield was saddled with the mess that was ASM 2.

The fact that he still managed to make a mark is a testament to his skills as an actor. While we are now blessed with the wonder that is Tom Holland, we will never get to see the best of Andrew Garfield as Spiderman, and that's a damn shame.

Garfield feels the same way. He was intensely passionate about the character, and the failure of the ASM movies hurt him deeply. He was always at odds with Sony about the direction the movies should take.

Here's what he told Amy Adams on Variety's 'Actors on Actors' show:[1]

I signed up to serve the story and serve this incredible character that I've been dressing as since I was three, and then it gets compromised, and it breaks your heart. I got heartbroken a little bit.

History will remember Garfield's Spiderman as the middle child; ignored in favour of the one who did it first and the one who did it best.

Garfield deserved better.

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