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The most sarcastic country in the world, Why?

A simple answer to this simple question has to be CANADA. Why ?

Well a while back the Canadian crowd was protesting against their mayor. Toronto residents really hate Rob Ford - so much so that they're almost willing to be impolite about it. This is how:

A true and gentle requests:

So this is how folks over there in Toronto protested against their Mayor which I find really polite to say at least.

Not only this, Canadians also have their own way of doing their usual things on a daily basis:

Meanwhile in a Canadian Physics textbook:

And this would be a daily news in Canada:

Only in Canada:

And Graffti in Canada:

Indeed Canada is one of the countries which remain in my bucket list to visit for their subtle polite sense of humor.

Many would say it's UK, which has a brutal sarcasm of its own, to which I completely agree and do think that they are on the same levels as Canada if not better.

Source: Google Images


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