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The healthiest poor man’s meal to eat every day

Rich men eat refined foods, poor men eat ragi.

Ragi is a power house of nutrients. This poor man's meal can make a country rich. You know why, why because, as a crop, it can sustain and survive harsh conditions, no rain, no water released from the cauvery, no problem, ragi can take it but rice crop can't take it.

Let me tell you something. I had trekked in the jungles surrounding Sathyamangalam. Heard of the bandit veerapan, the vast jungles surrounding Sathyamangalam was his hiding grounds for more than two decades. There are colonies in the jungle, tribals making a living out of collecting fire wood and extracting honey. These people have limited access to the markets. They cultivate ragi in the area and make it their primary diet. Man everyone has a six pack in that colony. They work in the jungles, in harsh environments, trek around 30 kms a day, transporting the fire wood on their shoulders, sustain cold nights in the open, have the immunity of a bat.

Need more examples, people in Uganda and southern Sudan have healthy, strapping physiques despite eating just one meal a day, and attributes this to finger millet aka ragi.

The protein content of ragi is quite unique. The main protein fraction is eleusinin, which has a high biological value, meaning that it is easily incorporated into the body.

Need to know what can be made out of ragi.

Ragi malt

Ragi dosa

Ragi laddos

Ragi halwa

Ragi porridge

Ragi idli

If you are a good cook, you can invent your own receipe.



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