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The correct way to eat sushi

Well, to begin with, don’t eat it like THIS.

(from Visual Ioner)

Now I could give you all sorts of written information, but there’s times when the old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words” says it so so so much better than I ever could.

The Daily Top, a few years back, had introduced an excellent series of images that explain the whole system perfectly. First things first though, it’s PERFECTLY FINE to eat your sushi with your hands. It’s not an insult at all. But if you do use chopsticks, DON’T RUB THEM TOGETHER to get rid of splinters. To the restaurant, you might as slap someone in the face. To them, it’s you implying to them that they use cheap wood for their chopsticks.

(from Discover Japan)

Another important thing to note is that you shouldn’t ever be doing this to your soy sauce and wasabi.

(from Discover Japan)

Making soy-wasabi sludge is something I’ve been guilty of in the past (well, actually I still do it sometimes but only when I’m completely alone….). It’s just considered to be poor etiquette. Just apply a small amount of wasabi onto your piece, and how to get the soy onto your piece is explained below.

Now, let’s get into the Daily Top messaging on how to eat your Sushi. I’ll be offering my insights as well when appropriate.


(from the Daily Top)

Sushi was actually always meant to be a finger food, and to be eaten in one bite (if possible). As for why, the Sushi Chef has assembled a wide array of different flavors, and the way to understand the full balance of flavor is to eat it whole.

(from the Daily Top)

Besides, as you can see, do you really want to have your piece of sushi fall apart in your hands or mouth.

(from Daily Top)

Er…. well…. this kinda says it all.


(from the Daily Top)

The Sushi Chef has created something that can really only be understood without soy sauce, or even wasabi. If you have several pieces, try at least ONE piece to understand the flavor that the chef wanted you to enjoy.

(from the Daily Top)

Well, if all you want to taste is salt…..

(from the Daily Top)

I’m looking at you President Trump. Really. Just don’t. Please, just don’t.


There are so many different flavors and styles of sushi that ginger is a great way to cleanse your palate between the different pieces. The idea is that you would be able to properly enjoy each taste between bites.

(from the Daily Top)

Well, if you want the flavors to all pretty much taste the same and ignore the ginger, this is the way to do it.

(from the Daily Top)

Look, I understand that people are worried about COVID-19…. but….


As I mentioned, you can eat sushi with your hands. It’s perfectly ok. Oh, and if you dip your nigiri piece into the soy, dip it on the PROTEIN side. If you dip it RICE side, there’s a good chance your piece will completely fall apart.

(from Pinterest)

The way it’s done with rolls depends on what kind of roll. But here’s how to do it.

(from Discovery Japan)

As you can see, this roll is done at an angle. You’re trying to minimize the amount of sushi rice from getting soaked. And as for the more delicate rolls…

(from Discovery Japan)

You see, a piece of ginger is being used as a way of brushing soy sauce onto the piece. Just grab a piece and dip it in the soy, then brush it lightly on the top.

As for what you shouldn’t do….


(from the Daily Top)

I think this pretty much explains it all. If I catch anyone doing this in a sushi restaurant, they’re going to be pelted with ginger.

So after all is said and done, all that’s left is the tea. Here’s the last little explanation on what to do…

(from the Daily Top)

The Japanese, if anything, are gracious hosts. This is a great way to offer friendship and hospitality.

(from the Daily Top)

And then there’s the ruder people. I’m looking at the rude tourists from a certain place…..

(from TOMO News)

And then there’s this…

(from The Daily Top)

Well. I think this is more of a mic drop action personally.

Image source Google

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