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Teenagers, what do you eat in a day?

I’ve been seeing this question in my feed for so long and i finally decided i’m gonna answer it. I’ve had an eating disorder even since i was 12 ( bulimia but not the throwing up purging type). My purging consisted of exercising and binging and not eating and all those types of things similar.

But enough about that. I am now 16 and recovering trying my best :)

Here is what i ate today:


I actually woke up so late today with my mum already calling me for lunch before i could eat breakfast!! so i guess you could say this was lunch as well.


Fruit with a bit of seeds sprinkled on top

This really good sausage but i have no idea what it’s called

It’s now 6:25 pm and i’m having this:

And i think that’s it for today but you never know with me ;))


i also ate all of this right now ;)

Here are a few other examples of my (most of the time) good days of eating healthy and not binging.

but i can also fall back into binging sometimes :(

I couldn’t really find good pictures but it starts off with moments like these and then i stop taking pictures.

And i think that’s all i have to say :))

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