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Some ways that a "normal" person could become a millionaire

It would seem impossible for a "normal" person to become a millionaire if they did not know the story of Chris Gardner.

Gardner was born in Milwaukee, but never knew his father.

He was raised by his mother in poverty and an alcoholic stepfather who abused him.

His mother left him for a period of time in a foster home, in a moment of desperation, when he tried to kill his stepfather.

Eventually, in the early 1980s, Gardner was a 27-year-old employee with minimum wage and did not have enough money to pay the rent for an apartment.

So Gardner (He was separated from his wife) and his son slept where they could. In parks, in church shelters and even in train station toilets.

They only ate through soup kitchens and the little money he had was used to pay for a nursery that took care of his son while he worked.

One day he met a man who was driving a Ferrari, and Gardner asked him what he did.

The man told him that he was a stockbroker and Gardner expressed his interest in entering that sector.

Since the man had liked Gardner, he helped him get an interview for an internship.

However, in the days before the interview, again fate had played a trick on him. Gardner was jailed for failing to pay his parking tickets.

Finally, he was able to get to the interview, but dressed in the clothes from when he was arrested (In tennis and vest).

Despite his sloppiness, his drive and enthusiasm earned him the position.

Suddenly life changed

His instinct to sell assets gave him the full-time job.

He rose at his firm Dean Witter Reynolds, continued to grow in his professional career to unsuspected heights.

Already with money to rent a house, he decided to open his own investment firm, Gardner Rich.

Currently, Gardner is 62 years old and has an estimated fortune of $ 60 million. He spends his life traveling the world giving motivational talks.

In addition, it sponsors various charities for the homeless and against violence against women.

His fascinating life caught the attention of Hollywood, turning his life story into a blockbuster movie.

Your inspiration

Despite all the obstacles in his life, Gardner claims that his mother was always an inspiration to him.

"I have one of those old-fashioned mothers who said to me every day, 'Son, you can be or do anything you want,'" he said.

"And I believed him and I was 100% convinced"

One day he was watching a college basketball game and he commented that one of those players would win $ 1 million.

"My mother declared, 'Son, one day you'll be the one to make a million dollars.' Until she said those words, the idea had never crossed my mind."

He added "One can fall and lie down, but only as low as one allows."

"I chose the light, on behalf of my mother and others with whom I do not share a single drop of blood, and I welcomed it with open arms."

Gardner's story shows that no matter what difficult, initial conditions you grew up in, you always have the ability to redirect your life. Fate is in your hands and it is up to you to change it or continue as you are.

I hope this story has inspired you. Don't let fatalism drive you. We all have skills that can help us grow.

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Image source Google

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