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Some of the strangest facts about famous movies

Pulp Fiction

  • When John Travolta visited Quentin Tarantino's apartment to discuss the role of Vincent Vega, he found to his surprise that Tarantino lived in the flat where Travolta himself had lived when he first moved to Hollywood.
  • Vincent Vega’s Chevy Malibu was owned by Quentin Tarantino in real life. The car was stolen during production; it resurfaced in 2013 when police arrested 2 teenagers who were trying to strip it.
  • To save money, the stars worked for less pay than they normally would. However, to compensate, they got a share of the profits of the film.

The Big Lebowski

  • The character of Uli Kunkel (played by Peter Stormare) was inspired by the shooting of Fargo, when Stormare often spoke in a mock German accent.
  • The word “Fuck” and variants appear 292 times in the movie- that’s 2 F-bombs per minute! “Dude” and “Man” clock in at 160 and 147 uses each.
  • Floor Covering Weekly requested an interview with the Coen Brothers about The Dude’s rug. The Coens not only said yes but talked for so long about the rug that the reporter was actually the one who ended the interview.


  • The scene in which Jerry discusses TruCoat with a disgruntled customer and his wife were taken verbatim from an actual encounter which Ethan Coen had with a car salesman.
  • Frances McDormand wore a wig for the role, and has been quoted as saying that she can’t do the iconic Minnesota accent without the wig on.
  • J. Todd Anderson, the Coen Brothers’ storyboard artist, has a small role in the film. Instead of his name, he is credited as Prince’s symbol on its side.

Groundhog Day

  • Due to Groundhog Day being an exclusively American celebration, the filmmakers were worried that the title would not translate well for overseas audiences. For example, in Brazil, the movie was called “Spell of Time”, while French audiences could buy tickets for “Day Without End”.
  • Michael Shannon’s film debut was in this film as a man celebrating over wrestling tickets.

Reservoir Dogs

  • Quentin Tarantino originally intended to play the role of Mr Pink, until he was so impressed by Steve Buscemi’s audition that he gave Buscemi the role and played the more minor part of Mr Brown. Mr Brown’s monologue about Madonna was originally meant to be said by Mr Pink.
  • The warehouse and Mr Orange’s apartment were both filmed in the same building.

Leon: The Professional

  • Woody Allen’s former Biology teacher has a small role of one of Mathilda’s neighbours.
  • While Leon’s apartment scenes were filmed in France, the hallways of the building were shot in New York.
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