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Some of the best ways to manifest what you want.

I asked this question from our spiritual teacher in Paroksh yogi Himalayan meditation camp.

He said : “Do you think such a powerful process can be easily shared with everyone? Can you imagine what would happen if it goes to wrong hands? People with wrong intentions will use it in all types of destructive ways.

Only those are eligible who are pure at heart”

He told us a story:

Once a big businessman heard about a self realised sage in Himalayas.

He somehow reached there and served the sage for many months.

After many months, sage was happy with his service hence he asked:

“I am happy with your service, I can fulfill your one wish”

He said : “I want the power to manifest. My business is not expanding as I want. I want my wishes to be fulfilled, so that after that I can focus on spirituality”

Guru ji said: “OK, I can share that process with you, however there are some conditions otherwise it would not work.”

Businessman agreed and Guru ji informed him:

“I will whisper a mantra in your ears. Chanting this mantra will gradually purify your mind and help you reach a mystical state near the source of creation for long hours. After coming back to normal state the first thought which will appear in your mind, if you will completely focus on that with intense emotions, it will manifest in your life.”

Businessman was delighted and he learned the process with great sincerity.

He returned home and started practing the mantra with the prescribed rituals.

Gradually he started mastering it and he started entering mystical meditative states but for very short durations, hence was unable to manifest.

One day he spent long hours in that state and he felt immense bliss.

After returning, he was so blissful that he forgot to focus on any wish.

Next day he acted smart and kept a piece of paper to remind him to focus on his wish.

After he returned to normal state, again he was feeling so blissful and complete in himself that he did not even look at the paper.

Third day, he did not even want to open his eyes, but when he opened his eyes, tears started rolling down his cheeks.

He had realised his true self!

He felt the immensity of who he really is…

He started crying out of joy and felt immense gratitude for his Guru.

He realised that all the things he wanted to manifest earlier were only inflated desires of his dissatisfied mind.

Those were not really needed to live a happy life.

He had the power of manifesting anything, but he was in absolute sense of completeness already, hence he never felt lacking anything.

Any desire to amend the current situation or conciously manifest anything was out of question, because he was in a witnessing mode and he was enjoying the life as it was.

Rest of his life, he enjoyed each moment with sense of gratitude & satisfaction.

Whatever was needed to maintain his blissful state, came his way automatically without even desiring for it.

Universe only gives such powers to those, who are responsible enough to handle it.

I have learned two things from the articles of Aham jogi ji (disciple of a Himalayan mystic):

  1. A restless mind can only attract chaos, hence only a calm & peaceful mind which can remain in thoughtless-ness for a significant time can have that focus to manifest anything.
  2. When we feel lackness of something, that is what we are attracting in our lives. If we will be in sense of gratitude & satisfaction, we will attract more reasons to be happy.

He says that is the reason, some rich people attract more & more wealth because they are in sense of gratitude & satisfaction.

On the other hand some people are always dissatisfied and in complaining mode, they gradually attract bad luck and they sometimes loose it all.

Disclaimer: This was a short extract / excerpt from the “Audio guide : The law of attraction & manifestation” available in ‘Paroksh yogi’ website. I recommend you to listen to that for in-depth understanding.

May you live a happy and satisfied life.

Thanks for Reading

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