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Mother' most sweet word PGTMM

'Mother' most sweet word PGTMM

Basically a person feel lonely when his/her self esteem gets very low. Your mother needs to learn how to enjoy her own company. I will tell you how i got over with my 3 years of depression and loneliness. PGHMM

A lonely person always seeks someone to enjoy their company. Lonely person hates his own company. Her own body wants to run away from herself. Because her body is filled with negativity. That’s why she feel lonely. She might having bad days, or someone said something really bad to her consistently which filled her with negativity. To over come loneliness she need to bring her self esteem up so that she can enjoy her self being and not feel horrible about being alone.

To get over loneliness your mother can do these all things. These are my personal experience. This is not any random shit from any where….

  1. Take a pen and paper. Tell her to write positive things about herself. It can be any thing. It can be her achievement, good things she did when she was young, her education, what ever that brings her self esteem up. It will be hard in the beginning because her body is filled with negativity. Positivity is deep down, on the top of that negativity. She will need to dig down deep. Very deep. Tell her to write down everyday. Everyday one good thing about her.
  2. If you are her son/daughter, you can help her too. Appreciate everything thing she does. Even if it is very small. If she give you a glass of water, say THANK YOU. If she make a food, tell her its very delicious and thanks for making. Appreciate every small things she does. Appreciating every little thing will boost her self esteem.
  3. Compliment her. Ask your friends to give nice compliment to her. BUT NOT IN A CREEPY WAY. Compliments like YOU LOOK NICE TODAY OR SOMETHING.
  4. Go outside. Alone. Tell her to go eat at a restaurants, or park, movies alone. Take that list with her when she go outside. That will boost her confidence and continuously think of those things which she wrote in that list. Take a book to read at a cafe, or a park. Observe people. Don’t judge, just observe. After coming back to home she will fell she accomplish something. Slowly she will understand she can also enjoy being alone too.
  5. Start writing diary. Daily. Make it a habit. Make your diary your best friend. I personally use A free online diary or make a physical diary. Whatever.
  6. Do something productive. This is best thing to over come loneliness. Build your skills, read, take some type of classes like yoga, or go to gym, computer classes. Going to classes will help you build friend circle and help you meet new people.

A lonely person will always stay depressed. They both are very inter related. Depression is second main causes of deaths after cancer. Depression leads to suicide thought, ruin’s relation ship, makes you feel worthless, build trust issues, loses faith. Doing the things i mentioned above still doesn’t get work (Which i highly doubt), then your mother need to get a help from a psychiatrist.

A person can also get depressed through chemical imbalance in our body too. There are three chemicals that causes depression. A psychiatrist can will help you with medicine or talk therapy to get over her loneliness and depression. A lot of people think that taking medicine to cure depression is very bad and can causes side effect. But its absolutely not. People in India are very much unaware and ignorant about mental illness that’s why they say that and that is why India is the leading country in depression and suicide rate. Taking pill to cure depression is a good thing. This shows you are stepping forward to a healthy lifestyle. Just like taking medicine to cure any fever.

Any edit or mistakes are most welcome here. If you got any other ways to cure loneliness and depression make sure to comment. Would love to learn about it.

Please God Tkcmm she is golden heated lady.... PlGRBTH


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