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Is it possible to actually gain muscle after age 50?

I don’t understand the fuzz about being 50 and exercising or gaining muscles.
I am currently 51 and in December will reach 52. After some years of not training (due three deaths in family) I returned this year to the gym and my actual training consists of every morning (7 times a week) running for 6–8 km around 40 minutes and each evening 90 minutes heavy weights five split (each day an other muscle group) this 6 times in week.
I personally found but this year the appreciation for running, actually while the lockdown started back in march and haven’t missed a single day since then. In the meantime I can run for 60 min at 9.3 km/h and feel the effortlessness like a high and believe that it just enables me full energized for every days evening weights workout.

Edit: Here is a picture of me before (April 20 110 kg ) and after (87kg this morning) ..

Post edit (23.10.2020) :

I‘m truly overwhelmed by the unexpected response I must say utterly positive response and I couldn’t believe such a spontanous ( first posting ) here on Quora could have such reaction!!

Many Thanks to you all first of all !!!

Second Some have questioned my naturalness which is understandable and I am no hypocrite so I write the truth in here again as I wrote it already somewhere in the comments. I actually started going to the gym since my twenties and have done a lot of sports all my life except in the school where I hated it as I was rather chubby and overweight. In fact the teacher had peaked me with a needle to get me running and in soccer I was the goalman which explains everything :-)

I started but around 16 intensively with kickboxing and in general I‘m best when the motivation comes from inside myself and not from some authority. So I trained hard and have learned how to slim down .. later I started swimming daily and even later started concentrating just on weightlifting.

It was at the age of 34 that I met some guy at the gym who told me I could maybe start training for competition and thats where I ran a couple of test/tren cycles maybe for 2–3 years .. here are some pics from then

Unfortunately due some family tragedies which started with the suicide of my youngest half brother who decided to end his life at age of 27 I lost totally the motivation to follow the path of competing and in general training, I moved to my parents house to help relieve the suffering of mom who suffered always already of depression and has even herself tried to end her life because of this incident ...On the contrary I let myself go loose totally physically and smoked cigarettes and weed and drank quite regularly beer which led me to looking like this I think I was 122 kg then :

Then three years ago I started returning to the gym after 14 years and started slimming again down but this time without help of roids.

Unfortunately again 2018 and 2019 after two other natural but equally unexpected early deaths in close family ( stepdad and second stepbrother ) I again felt in a deep motivational hole from which I recovered but this year 2020 and since January I‘ve been exercising almost every day and following strict keto diet .. at the time of the lockdown and gym closed I started running and since then it’s a fix part of my daily routine getting up at 5:00 AM and running for about 45 minutes and each evening 90 minutes weights ..

Here the picture of today at 85 kg goal is getting ripped naturally and bodyfat below 10%

I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday

Btw I have done a lot of crazy stuff in my life danced performaces and even men strip for some time I‘m not ashamed nor do I regret anything as I perceive life as a divine play dream in which I just participate as part and parcel of the whole ..

Kind regards


Post-Post Edit 24.10.2020 :

1k upvotes and 75k views !!

that’s simply crazy and soo unexpected maybe even unearned as I see myself just as a regular ordinary bozo who ignores his age ( feel somewhat stuck in my heart as a kid who enjoys life playfully ) and once he starts going is hard to stop .. I just want to use this pp edit to thank everybody for their interest in this answer and questions asked directly to me and of course for all the very kind compliments!!!

As Bonus I just add here a statistic of the weight , fat , muscles gain/loss per this year and of the hours and calories .. and again I sm not the kind of guy who believes that there are short and cheap solutions in order to get fit but it takes hard work with lot of patience especially patience as the results become very slowly visible and especially at the beginning but even later as I am fighting still this littlle belly fat left over ..

EDIT 1.11.2020 Again infinite gratitude to all your upvotes, views and comments .. will try as good as possible to answer every single one .. My pathfinder promise :-) 🙏💪👏✌️

Some have been asking for progress updates .. so here they are : As per today the weight has dropped to 82 kg

and one before / after picture : left was in february this year

First total Weight curve since I began training back in 2017 till today

second weight curve this year

Caution the fat and muscle measurements charts aren‘t that accurate as I use the body cardio withings balance but are at least an indicator for the direction

first fat percentage

muscle mass this year

here last few months training stats average time in exercise and average time spent and total calories snd total time

been running each month between 140 - 220 km all bicycling and swimming and gym workouts included

Image source Google

Thanks for Reading

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