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If the latest vaccine discovery turns out to be a dud, what will happen to the stock market and the US economy?

It is my opinion that the Buy Side Institutions, which control the majority of listed and private equity stocks for mutual funds, index funds, and pension fund index funds have already made adjustments for the pandemic which the Buy Side Institutions had done extensive research to determine a probable timeline.

Contrary to popular myth, the stock market is not a knee jerk reaction to news. That is merely the retail groups and very small funds managers who have less experience, education, expertise, resources for ACCURATE, reliable data and information.

The vaccine will come at some point. Buy Side Institutions who’s venues are the Dark Pools ATS venues will begin accumulating stocks that have the highest potential for early success AND are not rushed to the point that the vaccine may have hidden risks.

If you want to invest in the leading companies, and there will be several because there are 7.,8 BILLION people to vaccinate, then follow the Dark Pool Buy Side Institutions quiet accumulation patterns. They have access to information before it becomes retail news fodder.

It will not be just one lone company that has a vaccine. Every country is developing their own vaccines and many companies globally are working on the problem.

But just having a viable, tested, trusted vaccine is not enough. The problem is manufacturing it in quantities that are staggeringly high, distribution of the vaccine, injecting billions of people with the vaccine.

Retail investors are looking just at the vaccine development companies. There are MANY companies that will prosper with these vaccines as it will take a long time to manufacture, distribute, inject, etc every person on this planet.

This is not just about a vaccine. It is about how everyone who needs and wants the vaccine has access to it.

The other factor is cost and how that cost will be managed.

Just follow the Dark Pool Buy Side investing quiet accumulation. They are on top of this and will be in the stock already well ahead of any retail news announcement.

Image source Facebook

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